Seitlicher Blick auf das D2 Gebäude.

Visiting Scholars and Affiliated Researchers

Johanna Ayrault

Johanna Ayrault

Affiliated with the Research Institute for Urban Management & Governance

Doug Creed

Doug Creed

Fulbright Visiting Professor

Elisabeth Anna Czischek

Elisabeth Anna Czischek

Affiliated with the Research Institute for Urban Management & Governance

Markus Höllerer

Markus Höllerer

Affiliated with the Research Institute for Urban Management & Governance

Dennis Jancsary

Dennis Jancsary

Affiliated with the Research Institute for Urban Management & Governance

Ines Kuric

Ines Kuric

Affiliated with the Research Institute for Urban Management & Governance

Stephan Leixnering

Stephan Leixnering

Affiliated with the Research Institute for Urban Management & Governance

Silviya Svejenova

Silviya Svejenova