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Conducting Surveys

WU employees and students can use soscisurvey to conduct online surveys. After logging in, you create a project and design your survey form. To put the survey online, students contact a WU staff member (supervisor, lecturer). Potential participants will be invited via email.


You can create your surveys on the page
Students and employees can log in immediately with their WU account.

  • WU account password
  • WU account password

A link for participants is available during the survey period. Only WU employees can determine the beginning and end of the survey period.

Information for students

SoSciSurvey is available to all students of WU Vienna who are writing a master or bachelor thesis at WU. You have to add your supervisor to the survey - your supervisor can make the survey accessible for participants.


Create survey

WU students and staff can create new surveys.

  1. Log in
    Please open the page
    Log in with your WU account.

  2. Create a survey project
    Click on Projects > Start new Survey Project in the left directory. Enter the given parameters (project name, project folder, base language).

  3. Create section(s)
    To organize your questions and/or data you need sections. For this purpose, enter the corresponding parameters (ID, name).

  4. Generate questions and answers
    Create as many questions as you like by clicking on one of the icon images (depending on which question type you want to use).

  5. Design questionnaire
    In the left directory, click Compose Questionnaire > Create a new Questionnaire. Drag the questions accordingly from right to left and add additional pages as you like. Click on the green arrow to preview your questionnaire.

  6. Share questionnaire
    Share your questionnaire with your supervisor (so they can set a survey period for you and publish the survey).
    Click on the left under Controls > Survey Project > Project Settings > Release the Survey. In the "Share project with email(s)" field, enter your supervisor's email address.
    Advice for students: Consult with your supervisor regarding the survey period and the publication of the questionnaire.


Publish survey

WU employees can publish questionnaires and enter survey periods. Students should contact their supervisor or course instructor.

  1. Log in
    Log in with your WU account (

  2. Accept share
    Please open:
    Your user account (top right icon) > Projects > Join project

  3. Enter survey period, publish questionnaire
    Please click:
    Controls > Survey Project > Project Settings > Release the Survey.
    Do not publish the questionnaire until your student is ready for it.


Data protection

Personal and confidential data may be collected with Soscisurvey!

Students of WU Vienna who are writing a Master's or Bachelor's thesis at WU are generally responsible for processing personal data and for complying with data protection regulations.

In case you want to conduct a survey as a WU employee and collect personal data, the data protection regulations, in particular the General Data Protection Regulation, must be complied with.

For more information on the lawful processing of personal data, please visit the SharePoint website GDPR. If you have any questions, please contact

Invite participants

We recommend sending the invitations via your email program. You can use it to freely design the text. With the mail merge function you can create individualized invitations.

Please use the mailing list to send your survey to WU students. The use is subject to certain guidelines and restrictions - please be sure to read the FAQ entry. WU students can also unsubscribe from the mailing list. It is therefore not guaranteed that you will reach everyone in your intended target group.

Mailing list "Umfragen" (i.e. surveys) - which rules apply?

Can students also use other survey tools?

Where is the collected data or the survey form stored?

Can the default language of the survey be changed?

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