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WU Directory

The WU Directory is a publicly accessible directory where you can find the names of all people employed at WU as well as their telephone numbers, email addresses, and divisions they belong to. For faculty as well as teaching and research assistants, you can view their individual areas of expertise as published by the research management system PURE.

The entry of persons into the WU directory is carried out automatically on the basis of data from the Personnel Office.

You can add your own data after successful authentication:

  • You can upload a photo which can then be displayed on your entry.

  • You can also enter any additional information about yourself.

  • By entering your room number, you create a link to Interactive Campus Map, which shows visitors the way to your office.

  • Once you have logged in, you can also manage your personal contacts in the WU directory.

How can a person be entered in the WU Directory?

Why should I always update my data in the WU Directory?

Do external employees appear in the WU Directory?

How can I edit my photo in the WU Directory?

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