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International Scholars in Strategy & Organization regularly discuss their work in our IOD Research Seminar:

Prof. Yan "Anthea" Zhang visited us at IOD


This week, Prof. Yan "Anthea" Zhang visited us at the IOD. Dr. Yan “Anthea” Zhang is the Fayez Sarofim Vanguard Chair Professor of Strategy in the Jones Graduate School of Business, Rice University. She is the President-elect of Strategic Management Society.

Anthea discussed our research on strategic leadership and corporate governance with us, gave a talk on managing an academic career in our Female Scholar program, and held a workshop on publishing in leading management journals for PhD students. We greatly benefitted from her extensive experience with publishing in top-tier journals and serving on leading journals' editorial boards.

Thank you so much, Anthea, for our fantastic discussions, for your very helpful feedback on our research projects, and for the chance to spend such a wonderful time with you in Vienna. We look forward to having you back soon!

More of our guests can bei found on the Female Scholar program page:

WU Female Scholar Program