Ausschnitt eines Glasdachs des LC Gebäude

New publication by Prof. Dr. Klarner on board governance of strategic activities


Prof. Dr. Klarner, together with her international co-authors Prof. Toru Yoshikawa (Singapore Management University) and Michael A. Hitt (Texas A&M University) has published a new article on board governance of strategic activities in the Academy of Management Perspectives.

The article explores and explicates a capability-based view of board actions in which the specific capabilities that enable boards to govern strategic activities are identified. The authors examine the  conceptual foundations and different types of board capabilities,  drawing on illustrative cases as well as information from interviews  with board directors in the United States, Asia, and Europe. They also discuss several future research directions that can enrich our understanding of the effects of board capabilities on board governance. By highlighting the need to build the foundation of governance capabilities at multiple levels (individual director, interpersonal, and board levels), this article extends our understanding of the compositional challenges for boards and their governance.


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