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Invitation to the webinar "Agility in a Discordant World"


We cordially invite you to our webinar on "Agility in a Discordant World". We are looking forward to welcoming you!

We cordially invite you to our webinar on

"Agility in a Discordant World"

organized jointly with the Strategic Management Society (SMS).

Date: May 17, 2021 at 11:00am EDT (UTC -4) 

Featuring Sarah Elk, Bain & Company; and Julian Birkinshaw, London Business School 

Patricia Klarner, Vienna University of Economics & Business
Murat Taracki, Erasmus University Rotterdam;


Business environments are fraught with uncertainty and change. Therefore, building capabilities to react, adapt and shape the environment, i.e., business agility, becomes critical for organizations. Fostering business agility implies transforming existing strategies, processes, cultures, and structures. For example, agile ways of working have garnered substantial attention among strategic management researchers and practitioners, since they require reconfiguring how individuals within teams work and how the organization is structured. This webinar will discuss the drivers, pitfalls, and critical success factors of business agility and agile transformation processes. Our speakers, Sarah Elk and Julian Birkinshaw, will share their insights on this topic, followed by a discussion with the audience.

SMS members can register for free: 

Feel free to share the announcement and we hope to see you there!

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