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Institute for Nonprofit Management and GovernanceRSS

The Institute for Nonprofit Management and Governance at WU Vienna develops, disseminates, and teaches high-quality insights that address organizational challenges of nonprofit organizations, civic engagement, and the nonprofit sector.

[Translate to English:] podcast_logo

Podcast episode on the effects of Covid-19 on donation behaviour in Austria and Germany

In a recent episode of the Philanthropisms podcast the results of the 2021 study conducted by the Institute for Nonprofit Management on the effects of the pandemic on the donation behaviour of private…

WU Logo as fallback image for news article.

Finanzielle Stabilität von Nonprofit-Organisationen

Finanzielle Stabilität von Nonprofit-Organisationen: Erster Teilbericht zum Forschungsprojekt: Konzepte, Messung, Richtwerte, Gestaltungsempfehlungen. Das Konzept der finanziellen Stabilität…

[Translate to English:] npquarterlycover

Societal Roles of Nonprofit Organizations:

Parsonian Echoes and Luhmannian Reframing of the Organization-Society Interface. Nonprofit organizations (NPOs) have long been recognized as playing vital roles in society. Nevertheless, a coherent…

[Translate to English:] Mediananalyse

Political parties and civil society in the media - An analysis of Austrian daily newspapers from 2016-2021

Wie häufig wird über Zivilgesellschaftliche Bewegungen in österreichischen Tageszeitungen berichtet? Wie verhält sich das zu den politischen Parteien? Dazu haben Julia Litofcenko und Michael Meyer…

[Translate to English:] ku_leuven

Leila Cornips visits the Public Governance Institute at the KU Leuven

From September to November 2023, Leila Cornips has visited the Public Governance Institute at the KU Leuven (Belgium). She engaged with a diverse group of scholars and researchers, and worked on…