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Evaluation of the NPO support fund

The final report on the evaluation of the NPO Support Fund was published by the Institute for Nonprofit Management at the Vienna University of Economics and Business. The report was produced in…

The Many Indicators of Nonprofit Success as Seen by Nonprofit Leaders

Nonprofit organizations are increasingly compelled to demonstrate their success to stakeholders, drawing scholarly interest toward systematizing indicators of their success. But what best indicates…

Cross-Sectional Organizational-Level Survey Data on Civil Society Organizations in the Metropolitan Region of Vienna

This article introduces a pioneering dataset from a survey of civil society organizations (cso s) in the metropolitan region of Vienna, Austria. The survey was conducted between October 2019 and…

Nonprofits’ Integrative Practices in Five Global Cities – A Civic-Life-of-Cities-Lab Study

„Urban inequality is rising, but neighborhood organizations can help to resist this problem. A groundbreaking study of the effects that neighborhoods have on civil society organizations shares data…

Democracy and Management: Organizational Practices and Nonprofits’ Contributions to Society

Nonprofit organizations contribute to society through service provision, advocacy, and community building. As they face the challenge of pursuing a social mission while operating in a market economy,…

AGAPE Meeting 2024

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Talking the Talk, or Walking the Walk?

Talking the Talk, or Walking the Walk? How Managerial Practices Relate to Nonprofit Organizations’ Role as Schools of Democracy.

Podcast episode on the effects of Covid-19 on donation behaviour in Austria and Germany

In a recent episode of the Philanthropisms podcast the results of the 2021 study conducted by the Institute for Nonprofit Management on the effects of the pandemic on the donation behaviour of private…

Finanzielle Stabilität von Nonprofit-Organisationen

Finanzielle Stabilität von Nonprofit-Organisationen: Erster Teilbericht zum Forschungsprojekt: Konzepte, Messung, Richtwerte, Gestaltungsempfehlungen. Das Konzept der finanziellen Stabilität…

Societal Roles of Nonprofit Organizations:

Parsonian Echoes and Luhmannian Reframing of the Organization-Society Interface. Nonprofit organizations (NPOs) have long been recognized as playing vital roles in society. Nevertheless, a coherent…