Hintere Außenansicht des D2 Gebäudes

PD Dr. Michaela Neumayr

Email: michaela.neumayr@wu.ac.at

Tel: 0043-1-31336-5111

Location: WU Campus, building D2, entrance E, 1.floor

Michaela Neumayr conducts research in the field of civic engagement, aiming to make philanthropic giving and volunteering more meaningful for all actors involved. In her work, she focuses on interactions between socio-economic inequality and civic engagement, and on the role of nonprofit organisations in the provision of social services, especially formal childcare.

She teaches at WU Vienna undergraduates and graduates in nonprofit management and organizational behaviour. In addition, she leads the ERNOP PhD Circle, which aims to foster collaboration and learning among international PhD students in the field of philanthropy.

Michaela studied both economics and business education at WU Vienna, holds a doctoral degree in economics and received her habilitation in 2020. Currently, she is associate Professor at the Institute for Nonprofit Management. Prior to joining WU Vienna, she was researcher at the Austrian Institute of Economic Research. In 2016, she was visiting scholar at the University of Pennsylvania, School of Social Policy and Practice, Philadelphia.

Michaela Neumayr contributes to the editorial boards of the Nonprofit Voluntary Sector Quarterly (NVSQ) and the Journal of Philanthropy and Marketing (JPM). Beyond that, she is board member of the European Research Network on Philanthropy (ERNOP).


Publications (selection) (all publications)

Research Projects
  • New Charity Economy and Affective Statehood. Volunteering for Food Banks and Social Supermarkets in Austria (2023-2026, Member of Project Board, FWF)

  • Prosoziales Verhalten in Zeiten von Corona (2020-2022)

  • Gleicher Zugang zu institutioneller Kinderbetreuung in Wien: Standortwahl und Preissetzung von privaten und öffentlichen Krippen und Kindergärten nach sozioökonomischen Status des Wohnviertels (2020-2021, Jubiläumsfonds der Stadt Wien)