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A Test for the Welfare-Partnership: Austria’s Nonprofit Human Service Organizations in Times of Covid-19

The pandemic has impeded Austrian NPHSOs on multiple levels: service delivery, income streams, costs, and human resources. To analyze the consequences, we tackle two questions:

Charitable Giving in Times of Covid-19: Do Crises Forward the Better or the Worse in Individuals?

Why did some individuals react to the Covid-19 crisis in a pro-social manner, whereas others withdrew from society? To shed light onto this question, we investigated changing patterns of charitable…

New edition just published: Handbuch der Nonprofit-Organisation

Der NPO-Klassiker für alle Aktiven im NPO-Management. Hrsg.: Michael Meyer, Ruth Simsa, Christoph Badelt

Business-Like and Still Serving Society?

Investigating the Relationship Between NPOs Being Business-Like and Their Societal Roles.

Summer activities of the institute members

Conferences and Summer School

Toward a Better Understanding of Social Origins Theory: A Historical Narrative of Vienna’s Civil Society Organizations

Social origins theory explains variation between civil societies by power relations between socioeconomic classes and by path dependencies. There have been few systematic reflections on which…

Inequality in Volunteering: Building a New Research Front

Volunteering research focuses predominantly on predicting participation in volunteering, proceeding from the quasi-hegemonic foundation of resource theory and dominant-status theory. Empirical…

“Being” or “becoming”? Exploring organizational myths from “talents” to “disabled”

In early May, NPO Austria invited Daniel Semper and Alexander Fleischmann to discuss with practitioners from a broad array of NPOs their recent research: A model that describes how institutional myths…

How does socioeconomic inequality affect individuals’ civic engagement?

Though a growing body of multidisciplinary literature has started to address the relationship between socioeconomic inequality and civic engagement, empirical results vary considerably, and…

How Nonprofits Make Sense of Corporate Volunteering

Corporate volunteering is an increasingly common type of nonprofit-business collaboration and can take various forms. While the benefits of corporate volunteering for the business partner are well…