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Univ.Prof. Armon Rezai, PhD

Armon Rezai
Contact details

Phone: +43 (1) 313 36 - 5765
E-​Mail: armon.rezai@wu.ac.at

Personal details

Armon Rezai is full professor and head of the Institute for Ecological Economics and senior guest researcher at IIASA. His research topics center on macroeconomics (e.g. economic growth, distribution of income and wealth, and unemployment) and its application to environmental problems like climate change, and economic policy. After earning a PhD in economics from The New School for Social Research (New York), he has worked at the United Nations University's World Institute for Development Economics Research in Helsinki and provided consultations to the World Bank and the Institute for New Economic Thinking (INET). He has published widely with over 30 publications in international peer-reviewed academic journals, including general interest journals such as American Economic Review, International Economic Review, and European Economics Review, as well as leading environmental field journals. He has been a Fulbright Fellow, Schrödinger Fellow of the Austrian Science Fund, and academic visitor at the University of California at Berkeley, CESifo, and the FGV Sao Paulo. He is also an external research associate at the University of Oxford’s Oxford Centre for the Analysis of Resource Rich Economies (OxCARRE) and a fellow of the CESifo network. An example of his work on income distribution and climate policy can be found here.


Journal article

2022 Ederer, S., Rezai, A. 2022. Labour markets in a Post-Keynesian growth model: the effects of endogenous productivity growth and working-time reduction*. Read more
2022 Karp, L., Rezai, A. 2022. Trade and Resource Sustainability with Asset Markets. Read more
2022 Strunk, B., Ederer, S., Rezai, A. 2022. The role of labor in a socio-ecological transition: combining post-Keynesian and ecological economics perspectives. Read more
2022 van der Ploeg, F., Rezai, Armon, Tovar Reanos, M. 2022. Gathering support for green tax reform: Evidence from German household surveys. Read more
2021 Seminiuk, Gregor, Taylor, Lance, Rezai, Armon, Foley, Duncan. 2021. Plausible energy demand patterns in a growing global economy with climate policy. Read more
2021 Rezai, Armon, Dietz, Simon, Venmans, Frank, van der Ploeg, Frederick. 2021. Are economists getting climate dynamics right and does it matter?. Read more
2021 van der Ploeg, Frederick, Rezai, Armon. 2021. Optimal carbon pricing in general equilibrium: Temperature caps and stranded assets in an extended annual DSGE model. Read more
2020 van der Ploeg, Frederick, Rezai, Armon. 2020. Stranded Assets in the Transition to a Carbon-Free Economy. Read more
2020 van der Ploeg, Frederick, Rezai, Armon. 2020. The risk of policy tipping and stranded carbon assets. Read more
2020 Mattauch, Linus, Matthews, Damon, Millar, Richard, Rezai, Armon, Solomon, Susan, Venmans, Frank. 2020. Steering the Climate System: Comment. Read more
2019 van der Ploeg, Frederick, Rezai, Armon. 2019. Simple rules for climate policy and integrated assessment. Read more
2019 Rezai, Armon, van der Ploeg, Frederick. 2019. The Agnostic's Response to Climate Deniers: Price Carbon!. Read more
2019 Taylor, Lance, Foley, Duncan, Rezai, Armon. 2019. Demand drives growth all the way: Goodwin, Kaldor, Pasinetti and the Steady State. Read more
2018 Glötzl, Florentin, Rezai, Armon. 2018. A sectoral net lending perspective on Europe. Read more
2018 Rezai, Armon, Taylor, Lance, Foley, Duncan. 2018. Economic Growth, Income Distribution, and Climate Change. Read more
2018 van der Ploeg, Frederick, Rezai, Armon. 2018. The Simple Arithmetic of Carbon Pricing and Stranded Assets. Read more
2017 Rezai, Armon, van der Ploeg, Frederick. 2017. Second-best climate policies to decarbonize the economy: commitment and the Green Paradox. Read more
2017 Taylor, Lance, Rezai, Armon, Kumar, Rishabh, Barbosa-Filho, Nelson, Carvalho, Laura. 2017. Wage Increases, Transfers, and the Socially Determined Income Distribution in the USA. Read more
2017 van der Ploeg, Frederick, Rezai, Armon. 2017. Cumulative emissions, untapped tapped fossil fuel and the optimal carbon tax. Read more
2017 Rezai, Armon, van der Ploeg, Frederick. 2017. Abandoning Fossil Fuel: How much and how fast?. Read more
2017 Crawford, Beverly, Rezai, Armon, De Long, Bradford. 2017. The Gold Standard, the Euro, and Leadership: A Cautionary Tale. Read more
2017 Rezai, Armon, Van der Ploeg, Frederick. 2017. Climate policies under climate model uncertainty: max-min and min-max regret. Read more
2016 Taylor, Lance, Rezai, Armon, Foley, Duncan. 2016. An Integrated Approach to Climate Change, Income Distribution, Employment, and Economic Growth. Read more
2016 De Carvalho, Laura, Rezai, Armon. 2016. Income inequality and aggregate demand. Read more
2016 Rezai, Armon, Stagl, Sigrid. 2016. Ecological Macroeconomics: Introduction and Review. Read more
2016 Rezai, Armon, van der Ploeg, Frederick. 2016. Intergenerational inequality aversion, growth and the role of damages: Occam's rule for the global carbon tax. Read more
2015 Rezai, Armon. 2015. Demand and distribution in integrated economies. Read more
2015 Rezai, Armon, van der Ploeg, Frederick. 2015. Robustness of a simple rule for the social cost of carbon. Read more
2015 Rezai, Armon. 2015. Wirtschaftswachstum und die funktionale und persönliche Verteilung von Einkommen - Überblick und neue Erkenntnisse. Read more
2014 Karp, Larry, Rezai, Armon. 2014. The Political Economy of Environmental Policy with Overlapping Generations. Read more
2013 Scrieciu, Silviu Serban, Rezai, Armon, Mechler, Reinhard. 2013. On the Economic Foundations of Green Growth Discourses: The Case of Climate Change Mitigation and Macroeconomic Dynamics in Economic Modelling. Read more
2013 Foley, Duncan, Rezai, Armon, Taylor, Lance. 2013. The social cost of carbon emissions. Read more
2013 Rezai, Armon, Taylor, Lance, Mechler, Reinhard. 2013. Ecological Macroeconomics: An application to climate change. Read more
2013 Rezai, Armon. 2013. Cycles of demand and distribution and monetary policy in the US economy. Read more
2012 Rezai, Armon. 2012. Goodwin Cycles, Distributional Conflict, and Productivity Growth. Read more
2012 Rezai, Armon, Foley, Duncan, Taylor, Lance. 2012. Global Warming and Economic Externalities. Read more
2011 Rezai, Armon. 2011. The Opportunity Cost of Climate Policy: A Question of Reference. Read more
2011 Semmler, Willi, Greiner, Alfred, Diallo, Bobo, Rajaram, Anand, Rezai, Armon. 2011. Fiscal Policy, Public Expenditure Composition, and Growth: Theory and Empirics. Read more
2010 Mechler, Reinhard, Rezai, Armon, Stagl, Sigrid. 2010. Is Green Growth feasible? Some reflections and implications for Austria. Read more
2010 Rezai, Armon. 2010. Recast DICE and its Policy Recommendations. Read more
2008 Chen, Pu, Gong, Gang, Rezai, Armon, Semmler, Willi. 2008. Long and Short Run Considerations of Productivity Growth and Unemployment in RBC models. Read more

Chapter in edited volume

2016 Taylor, Lance, Rezai, Armon, Kumar, Rishabh, de Carvalho, Laura, Barbosa, Nelson. 2016. US Size Distribution and the Macroeconomy, 1986-2009 In: Macroeconomics and Development: Roberto Frenkel and the Economics of Latin America. Hrsg. Mario Damill, Martín Rapetti and Guillermo Rozenwurcel. Read more
2014 Taylor, Lance, Rezai, Armon, Kumar, Rhishabh, De Carvalho, Laura, Barbosa, Nelson. 2014. US Size Distribution and the Macroeconomy, 1986-2009 In: Macroeconomics and Development: Roberto Frenkel and the Economics of Latin America. Hrsg. Mario Damill, Martín Rapetti and Guillermo Rozenwurcel. Read more
2014 Glötzl, Florentin, Marterbauer, Markus, Rehm, Miriam, Rezai, Armon. 2014. Finanzierungssalden und die Krise in Europa In: Makroökonomik, Entwicklung und Wirtschaftspolitik. Festschrift für Jan Priewe. Hrsg. Dullien, S., Hein, E. and A. Truger. Read more
2014 Stagl, Sigrid, Schulz, Niels, Köppl, Angela, Kratena, Kurt, Mechler, Reinhard, Pirgmaier, Elke, Radunsky, Klaus, Rezai, Armon, Mehdi, Bano. 2014. Kapitel 6: Transformationspfade In: Österreichischer Sachstandsbericht Klimawandel 2014 (AAR14). Hrsg. Austrian Panel on Climate Change (APCC). Read more
2011 Nell, Ed, Semmler, Willi, Rezai, Armon. 2011. Economic Growth and Climage Change: Cap-And-Trade or Emission Tax? In: After Cancun: Climate Governance or Climate Conflicts. Hrsg. Altvater, E.; Brunnengräber, A. Read more
2008 Nell, Edward, Semmler, Willi, Rezai, Armon. 2008. Wirtschaftswachstum und Globale Klimaerwärmung In: Ablasshandel gegen Klimawandel?. Hrsg. Elmar Altvater & Achim Brunnengräber. Read more
2003 Nagl, Philipp, Rene, Mittringer, Reiss, Lukas, Rezai, Armon. 2003. Rückrechnung von Daten der Zinsstatistik In: Was bring Basel II?. Hrsg. Abele, H., Schubert, A. Read more

Working Paper/Preprint

2023 Yokomatsu, M., Schinko, T., Mochizuki, Junko, Rezai, Armon. 2023. Climate-related Disaster and Human Capital Investment in the Global South — Household Heterogeneity and Growth. Read more
2021 Semieniuk, Gregor, Taylor, Lance, Rezai, Armon, Foley, Duncan. 2021. Plausible energy demand patterns in a growing global economy with climate policy. Read more

Popular science article

2015 Rezai, Armon, van der Ploeg, Frederick. 2015. Global Carbon Tax. Read more
2014 Chichilnisky, Graciela, Rezai, Armon. 2014. 'Business as Usual' is not an environmentally viable option. Read more