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In the course of our research we question reasons for the existance of inequalities as well as their effects. To offer profound results of our research, it is a major concern for us to develop concrete approaches for measuring inequalities. Furthermore, our research results should not only point out already existing inequalities, but rather provide a scientific foundation for the development of measures and actions to reduce present social and economic inequalities.

Please be aware that some research results are currently available in German only. We are sorry for any inconveniences.

If you wish to get further information in English on a specific project, feel free to contact us anytime!

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Research project:

Inheritances in Vienna: Insights from Probate Records

by Lorenz Bodner, Franziska Disslbacher and Severin Rapp

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INEQ Working Paper Series #30

Ertl, Michael (2024):

From Inheritances to Wealth: A Mortality Multiplier Approach for Austria

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Research Note 2024|02 Unions and Firms 2

L. Lehner, E. List:

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