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The economy in (Corona-)crisis

On March 24th 2021 our co-head of institute Karin Heitzmann presents the next "WU matter. WU talks."-Event on "The economy in (Corona-)crisis" with guest Christoph Badelt at WU.

New online appearence of INEQ

We are happy to present a new and updated version of INEQ's website. Have fun exploring our research!

Armon Rezai is Researcher of the Month!

Armon Rezai was awarded the "WU researcher of the Month Award" in January 2021. In his work he looks closely at th taxation of carbon emissions and its effects on distributional inequalities.

Working Paper Series #20

On Top of the Top - Adjusting wealth distributions using national rich lists (Franziska Disslbacher, Michael Ertl, Emanuel List, Patrick Mokre and Matthias Schnetzer)

INEQ Project Briefs 2020|05 & 2020|06

We present you the next two INEQ Project Briefs: > Project Brief 2020|05 Middle Class > Project Brief 2020|06 Heating Types

Feminist work: About demands, reforms, transformation

On November 12th 2020 we organised together with HeForShe Vienna and the Frauen*volksbegehren an event on the topic of feminist activism, equal pay for women and equal division of unpaid care work…

We have moved!

From today on INEQ's home is not longer in the building D1 but we have moved to D3. Klick on the heading to see our new location on the campus map!

Kurt-Rothschild-Award for Karin Heitzmann

Today Karin Heitzmann's research was awarded the Kurt-Rothschild-Award 2020. We congratulate her warmly!

Working Paper Series #19

Housing and Income Inequality in Europe: What drives the difference? (Emanuel List)

INEQ Project Briefs 2020|03 & 2020|04

The next two INEQ Project Briefs are available for Download: > Project Brief 2020|03 Distributional National Accounts (Austria) > Project Brief 2020|04 Energy Poverty