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Economists-Ranking 2021: Katharina Mader on rank 17!

Congratulations to Katharina Mader who reached rank 17 in this years economists ranking by "Die Presse"!

INEQ says goodbye to Judith Derndorfer - All the best!

At the end of august Judith Derndorfer will leave INEQ after many years to seek new professional experiences. We thank her for all her research activities and wish her all the best for her next steps!

INEQ says goodbye to Mathias Moser - All the best!

After many years of working for, at and on the research institute, Mathias will leave INEQ to seek new professional experiences. He was one of our founding members and part of our institute leadership…

Kurt-Rothschild-Award 2021 for INEQ associates

This years Kurt-Rothschild-Award goes to many of INEQ's associates. Congratulations!

INEQ Project Briefs 2021|03 & 2021|04

We are happy to present another two of INEQ's Project Briefs: > Project Brief 2021|03 Poverty and COVID-19 > Project Brief 2021|04 Wealth in Vienna

Working Paper Series #22

Asset Bias in Household Needs Measurement (Severin Rapp)

"WU matters. WU talks.": Corona and women

On may 12th 2021 Katharina Mader discuessed on "WU matters. WU talks." the effects of the corona crisis on women.

Alyssa Schneebaum: Winner of the "WU Excellent Teaching Award" 2021

Alyssa Schneebaum was awarded the "WU Excellent Teaching Award" 2021 by her students. We congratulate warmly!

Working Paper Series #21

Home, sweet home? The impact of working from home on the division of unpaid work during the COVID-19 lockdown (Judith Derndorfer, Franziska Disslbacher, Vanessa Lechinger, Katharina Mader, Eva Six)

INEQ Project Briefs 2021|01 & 2021|02

We present you the next two INEQ Project Briefs: > Project Brief 2021|01 "New" atypical Employment: Vienna > Project Brief 2021|02 "New" atypical Employment: Design Policy