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INEQ 2nd anniversary

We celebrated our second anniversary on September 29th.

Performance bonus to Stefan Humer

Our colleague Stefan Humer received a performance bonus from the WU for his contribution to the economic debate in Austria.

Annual report 2016/2017

The annual report 2016/2017 provides insights in the work of our institute.


INEQ's Mathias Moser and Stefan Humer have been awarded the Kurt-Rothschild-Award for their contributions on data-based tax reform evaluations. Congratulations!

Visiting Researcher Sonja Jovicic

The INEQ proudly welcomes Sonja Jovicic/University of Wuppertal as guest researcher. She will spend her time at INEQ focusing on inequality and employment.


From July 17-19 we attended the annual conference of the Society for the Study of Economic Inequality (ECINEQ) in New York.

Working Paper Series #7

The Convergence of the Middle Class. New Evidence for Europe

The INEQ Team moves!

INEQ has been growing constantly over the past months. In our search for more space we resettled at WU's D1 building

Working Paper Series #6

Poverty in Times of Crisis

Working Paper Series #5

Can’t Keep Up with the Joneses. Jestl, Stefan and Moser, Mathias and Raggl, Anna K.