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Long Night of Research 2024

On 24 May, the Long Night of Research 2024 took place at WU, in which the Economics of Inequality Research Institute also actively participated with the station "Happiness and Distribution: The Game of Life". At various stations representing all of INEQ's research fields, the audience was introduced to topics of justice and distribution.

With the board game "Fortune and Distribution - Game of Life", six players can play through different stages of life. Starting with birth, this is followed by the choice of school attendance, career entry, starting a family and the choice of a home until the (non-)receipt of an inheritance. The socio-economic characteristics of each individual or player are partly predetermined, but can also be freely chosen. At the beginning of the game, the players are given unequal starting capital - due to their family background - with which they have to make their way through life. Each station represents a central stage of life, at which decisions have to be made for the rest of their lives. The (monetary) outcome in retirement shows which starting conditions and individual decisions are decisive for (monetary) ‘success’ at the end of life.

Based on our empirical research results, which were presented and explained on display boards, we were able to show which factors are central to the life course and thus lead a comprehensive discussion with our guests.



from the Long Night of Research 2024