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Salvatore Morelli - The Growing Role of Wealth, Wealth Inequality, and Inheritance: Introducing the GC Wealth Project

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Salvatore Morelli (University Roma Tre, CUNY)

The Growing Role of Wealth, Wealth Inequality, and Inheritance: Introducing the GC Wealth Project

Comment: Miriam Rehm
(University Duisburg-Essen) 

November 18, 2022
4.30 pm - 6.30 pm

Technisch Gewerbliche Abendschule der AK Wien, Hörsaal, 4. Stock
Plößlgasse 13, 1040 Wien

You can register for this event via the Chamber of Labor until November 9 here:


About this lecture

Research on wealth inequality has come to the fore and is now attracting a great deal of attention. Both the theoretical and empirical literature on wealth inequality have been expanding over time and this is a very active research ground, but many challenges lie ahead. What do we mean by wealth and how do we measure wealth distribution? What are the main drivers of wealth concentration and what is the relative contribution of inheritance to wealth accumulation?

About Salvatore Morelli

Salvatore Morelli is a Senior Scholar and Director of the GC Wealth Project at theStone Center on Socio-Economic Inequality(Graduate Center of the City University New York) an Assistant Professor in Public Economics at the University Roma Tre. He has published extensively on wealth inequality and on intergenerational transfers in high income countries.

Slides of the Lectures

[Translate to English:] Slides: Salvatore Morelli
[Translate to English:] Slides: Salvatore Morelli
[Translate to English:] Slides: Miriam Rehm
[Translate to English:] Slides: Miriam Rehm