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E&I Research wins prestigious Jürgen Hauschildt Award


We congratulate Univ. Prof. Dr. Nikolaus Franke and Prof. Dr. Franziska Krause for winning the prestigious Jürgen Hauschildt Award with their Journal of Marketing paper Understanding Consumer Self-Design Abandonment: A Dynamic Perspective!

Our E&I research aims at understanding cutting-edge, up-to-date problems. By building bridges between Academia and Industry, we want to solve meaningful practical questions and we are immensely proud that the TIE Scientific Commission of The German Academic Association for Business Research (VHB) has honored this with the Jürgen Hauschildt Award for the third time.
In the past, E&I research on Antecedents and Consequences of Fairness Expectations in the Individual’s Decision to Participate in Firm Innovation (Nikolaus Franke, Peter Keinz, Katharina Klausberger, @Organization Science) as well as IP Norms in Online Communities: How User-organized Intellectual Property Regulation Supports Innovation (Julia Bauer, Nikolaus Franke, Philipp Tuertscher, @Information Systems Research) have also received this outstanding recognition.

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