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Call for Bachelor and Master Theses: AI in Austrian Industry


We are excited to announce an opportunity for ambitious E&I Bachelor and Master students interested in conducting their theses on the transformative role of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in the Austrian industrial sector. This research will explore the integration and impact of AI technologies across various industries in Austria, aiming to uncover current trends, market availability, and potential gaps in AI usage.

Research Themes

  • AI Tools and Market Analysis: Investigation of the existing AI tools available in the market and their adoption by leading industrial firms.

  • Gap Analysis in AI Applications: Analysis of the unmet needs within the industry through workshops and collaborations with key industry players.

Candidate Profile

We are looking for motivated students with:

  • A strong academic background in E&I.

  • An interest in AI technology and its industrial applications.

  • Excellent analytical and research skills.

Application Details

  • Deadline for Applications: June 1st 2024 (EOD)

  • Submission: Interested candidates should contact Benjamin Monsorno directly at benjamin.monsorno@wu.ac.at.

This is an exceptional opportunity to contribute to a cutting-edge area of research with real-world implications in industry. We look forward to your innovative proposals and to the impact your research will have on the future of Austrian industry.

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