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IHM & IHM Gmbh & Co KG

IHM & IHM Gmbh & Co KG - Logo



Founder:Mag. Georg Ihm (E&I Alumnus)
Industry:Advertising and marketing agency / café / seminar event location / business consulting / art gallery
Business purpose:   Info seminars Georg Ihm acts as a specialized seminar provider for industry.
We see ourselves as an interface between legislators and authorities and companies active in the economy. Our offer covers all aspects of the implementation of laws and regulations in practice.
In this way, we specifically address the complex problem areas of the technical and chemical industries. Our seminars are aimed primarily at company managers, their technical managers, safety officers, as well as their insurers and suppliers.
Building on the content of the seminars, we support companies in implementing the guidelines as part of management consulting.
Founding year:2006 
Contact:Mag. Georg Ihm