Class of 2020/21

Finally, the Master Class CEE 2020/21 met face-to-face and enjoyed an evening together

[Translate to English:] MC CEE 2020/21 Dinner

Forschungsbericht zu d. Auswirkungen d. Covid-19 Pandemie auf d. Volkswirtschaften & Unternehmen in Mittel- u. Osteuropa


Get your ideas across - Pyramid Thinking

[Translate to English:] Pyramid Thinking

On April 24th, 2021 we held an online workshop on the topic of “Get your ideas across - Pyramid Thinking” with Rita Boeckmann for those interested in the Master Class CEE and the CEE Cercle. The feedback has been very positive (see below). It is planned to repeat the workshop for other interested parties in autumn.

„I can definitely recommend the workshop and learned things I can adapt on a daily basis; especially in terms of communicating my thoughts to others.”

„I am confident that the techniques presented will help me get my ideas across!“

Master Class CEE Insight Talks

In Jannuary we had our Master Class CEE INSIGHT TALKS. The “Insight Talks” provide an informal discussion platform with corporate partners of the Master Class CEE and other guests on the topic of the research seminar. Representatives of four multinational firms discussed virtually with the students of the Master Class CEE 2020-21 the responses to the coronavirus crisis in their CEE businesses, current management challenges and their lessons learned so far.

Download summary here


