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Submission for the WU OeNB Research Talent Award 2025 open


Between February 15 and May 31, 2025 AHS and BHS high school students are invited to submit their theses on a monetary or financial economics topic.

Prizes are awarded for outstanding work on a monetary or financial topic. This includes, for example, work on one of the following topics:

  • Personal financial management, personal handling of money, questions of money and capital investment

  • Price stability and monetary policy, questions on inflation and its measurement, monetary policy instruments, central banks and their monetary policy measures

  • Austria as a financial center

  • Stability of a financial market, financial crises and their root causes

  • Means of payment and payment transactions

  • Financing of private and public investments on the financial market (forms of financing and financing decisions)

More information on the page of the WU OeNB Research Talent Award.

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