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Cross-Cultural Competence for Bachelor Students

Information on this website is valid for the Winter Semester 2024-25.


The course "Cross-Cultural Competence" (CCC) can only be attended by those students, who are required to complete it. (Except for spare places - in which case you should contact the lecturer before registering for the course). This includes the following groups:

Bachelor students of all study programs who have been nominated for an exchange semester abroad by the International Office
All Bachelor students nominated by the International Office are required to attend a CCC course, but only in the semester prior to their exchange semester. Please also note:
Bachelor students in the major International Business Administration (Internationale Betriebswirtschaft - IBW)
IBW Bachelor students attend the course via the curriculum-specific module "Interkulturelle Kompetenz" (Cross-Cultural Competence) and receive 3 ECTS upon completion. After you have been nominated, please register for the course that is specified for your host culture via the LPIS course registration system.
Here are the detailed prerequisites für IBW Bachelor students:
  • Nomination for a semster abroad. IMPORTANT: You can only attend the course in the semester prior to your exchange semester. Only then there is clarity as to your host culture. Registrations that do not fulfill this requirement will not be considered.
    • International Short Program: You can attend the CCC course after you have been accepted into a program, or after you have completed one. You will be required to provide an acceptance letter or certificate.
      • IBW internship abroad: After the completion of an IBW internship abroad, or after you have been accepted for an internship position. You will be required to provide a document.
      Bachelor students choosing the majors Business Administration, Economics, and Socioeconomics; as well as Business Information Systems, and Economics, Environment, Politics
      As a student in one of the majors listed above, upon nomination for an exchange semester abroad by the International Office, you attend the CCC course instead of the course "Soziale Kompetenz" (BaWiSo19) or as a "Freies Wahlfach" (BaWiSo23).This does not apply to Business Law studies. In such a case, please contact the program coordinator (contact details are provided below).
      Bachelor students in Business and Economics
      As a BBE student you are required to complete a CCC course in English upon nomination for an exchange program with the International Office, prior to your exchange semester. The course reduces your "Free Electives" by 3 ECTS.


      Please note that in the Winter Semester 2024-25, waiting list registration applies to this course.

      This means you first sign up for the waiting list within the registraton period specified in the course catalog. After that, you will be formally registered if you are a student nominated to study abroad at a WU partner university. If you participate(d) in a Short Program or internship abroad, please also sign up for the waiting list and send an e-mail to the course instructor to be assigned to the course.

      Places are limited, so make sure to look up the registration dates in advance and sign up as soon as possible.

      You should either attend a course that covers your host culture, or a general course (Cross-Cultural Competence with no pre-definded host cultures). Prior to registration you should be aware that continuing attendance is obligatory and that you should not sign up for the course if the class schedule is in conflict with your other classes and/or other obligations (e.g. work schedules).

      If you study Business Law (Wirtschaftsrecht), please contact the program coordinator in advance (see bottom of the page for contact details).

      PLEASE NOTE: You can only attend the course in the semester prior to your exchange semester. Only then there is clarity as to your host culture. Registrations that do not fulfill this requirement will not be considered, unless you have agreed otherwise with the lecturer of the respective course.

      Structure of the course

      The Cross-Cultural Competence course is a seminar consisting of blocked sessions in class and an individual assignment.

      Course Assessment

      The assessment of the course includes the following criteria:

      • Individual assignment (40%)

      • Group assignment and presentation (40%)

      • Class participation (20%)

      Individual assignment

      The individual assignment is based on the contents of the blocked sessions, as well as the reading list published in the syllabus for your particular course.

      You can only re-take it if you fail the entire course, that is, if you score less than 60 points summing up all course assessment criteria, and if a better result on the written exam could potentially lead to a positive grade.

      Further information will be provided during the course.

      Class attendance

      Because of the interactive nature of the Cross-Cultural Competence courses you need to attend all modules. In exceptional cases, absence of a maximum of 20% of in-class sessions will be tolerated and has to be compensated for with an academic paper or equivalent task. In such a case, please notify the lecturer in advance.

      Class participation and group assignment

      In addition to the individual assignment, your grade will also include class participation and a group assignment, consisting of a group presentation and paper on a culture-specific topic. Further information will be provided by the course instructor during the course.

      Course schedule

      Please consult the WU Course Catalog for a full list of courses and detailed schedules. Please note that there are courses in German and English.

      Contact information

      If you have a question concerning a specific course, please contact the course instructor. The e-mail-address is included in the course catalog (see link above).

      If you have general questions (e.g. concerning course selection or prerequisites) please contact:

      Mag. Magdalena Berecki-Pernkopf, MA

      Mag. Magdalena Berecki-Pernkopf MA

      Programmkoordinatorin Interkulturelle Kompetenz