Archiv News EMCEERSS

Khon Kaen Business School @ WU

In June the Center hosted a workshop for 26 assistant and associate professors of the Khon Kaen Business School, Thailand.

Hidden Champions: Internationale Marktführer aus Österreich. Erfolgsstrategien und Zukunftsaussichten

Ziel der Podiumsdiskussion war es das Hidden Champions Konzept sowie die Erfolgsstrategien der Hidden Champions vorzustellen. Außerdem ging es in der Diskussion darum, die Zukunftsaussichten für die…

Visit to Henkel GBS+ in Bratislava

The Master Class CEE and members of the CEE CercleWU visited Global Business Solutions (GBS+) of Henkel Group in Bratislava on May 26. The aim of the visit was to learn about the activities that a…

Managing business in uncertain times: Impact of the recent crises and how companies can become more resilient - Review

The Master Class CEE Alumni Association and the CEE CercleWU organized together a panel discussion on 23 May 2023 at the WU Campus. The idea was to bring together alumni of the Master Class CEE with…

Visit to Henkel GBS+ in Bratislava, 26.5.

The CEE CercleWU would like to invite you to a visit to Global Business Solutions (GBS+) of Henkel Group in Bratislava on Friday, May 26. The aim of the visit is to learn more about the activities…

Die Master Class CEE in Bukarest – Von Wachstumspotentialen bis zum Schengen-Veto

Die zweite Exkursion (7.-10.5.) führte die Master Class CEE 2022-23 nach Bukarest. Bukarest in Rumänien wurde ausgewählt, um ein Kontrastprogramm zu Warschau zu liefern, das wir im Februar besuchten.…

“Managing business in uncertain times: Impact of the recent crises and how companies can become more resilient”

The Master Class CEE and the CEE CercleWU would like to invite you to a panel discussion on “Managing business in uncertain times: Impact of the recent crises and how companies can become more…

„Hidden Champions: Internationale Marktführer aus Österreich. Erfolgsstrategien und Zukunftsaussichten“

Das Competence Center for Emerging Markets and CEE und der WU Management Master möchten Sie herzlich zu diesem Emerging Markets Talk am 24. Mai an der WU einladen.

New Academic Director of the Competence Center for EMCEE

We are pleased to announce that Assoz.Prof. Dr. Christof Miska is the new Academic Director of the Competence Center for EMCEE.

What a wonderful second course week for Central Europe Connect (CEC) at WU

Last week, the program director Arnold Schuh together with his team hosted the CEC course week at WU Vienna. In addition to the work in class the students engaged in a city trip through Vienna,…