Archiv News EMCEERSS

Die Forschung zum Wirtschaftsraum Mittel- und Osteuropa: Welche Rolle spielt die regionale Perspektive für die Unternehmensführung?

Spielt Regionalisierung noch eine Rolle im globalen Management? Arnold Schuh, der Direktor des Centers, argumentiert am Beispiel CEE, dass die Beschäftigung mit regionalen Charakteristika sinnvoll…

Rethinking the African business opportunity

What's your prognosis about the economic prospects of Africa? Check out the results of the McKinsey Global Survey on business opportunities in Africa to see what managers from around the globe think…

Managing a Severe Crisis: PharmaCorp in Ukraine

Want to know how to manage severe crisis as a manager working in a very challenging environment? Then check out our case study about how newly appointed country head of PharmaCorp’s operating unit in…

DeliverMeal Ivory Coast: Adressing Headquarters' Demands

Are you interested to know how dynamic and complex it could be to manage a subsidiary in sub-Saharan Africa? Then check out this case study to find out how the Ivory Coast manager met her…

Avoiding the Pitfalls of Responsible Leadership

We are happy to share that the new article Avoiding the pitfalls of responsible leadership, written by our associated researcher, Dr. Christof Miska, and his co-authors will be published in Tsinghua…

EBRD Transition Report 2018-19 “Work in Transition”

EBRD has just released their newest Transition Report 2018-2019, which analyses the social impact across the EBRD regions of new trends in work patterns, one of the most important challenges facing…

Master Class CEE 2018/19

25 students from 11 different countries have successfully started the Master Class CEE 2018/19. Welcome!

One of the highest net benefits from university degrees are in the countries of Former Eastern Bloc

Did you know that a university degree in Former Eastern Bloc countries brings more lifetime net benefit (compared with non-graduates) than in France, Germany, Austria, as well as in Nordic and Benelux…

Österreich/Wien – Drehscheibe zwischen Ost und West

Österreichs Bildungseinrichtungen unterstützen den Standortvorteil bei der Vermittlung zwischen Ost- und Westeuropa.