
Der Inhalt dieser Seite ist aktuell nur auf Englisch verfügbar.

General Information

  • The teaching language is German if not otherwise stated.

We would like to inform you that co-registered students (students who attend courses at another university while remaining fully enrolled in their main degree studies at another primary university) cannot join sequencing courses.

You have to pass the basic courses before you can attend specialization courses. We are very sorry, but we have to sign out all co-registered students from these courses.

Courses for Bachelor Programs

Elective (Wahlfach) Grundzüge der Programmierung und ModellierungInformation on the Wahlfach Grundzüge der Programmierung und Modellierung.
Spezielle SBWL
Process & Knowledge Management"
Information on the SBWL Knowledge Management
Spezielle SBWL
Data Science
Information on the SBWL
Data Science
Betriebliche Informationssysteme IIVarious courses Betriebliche Informationssysteme II (BIS 2) are also offered.

Courses for Master Programs

CBK Information on the CBK
Master Specialization Information Systems Processes Information on the Specialization Information Systems Processes

Courses for the PhD Program

For general information on the PhD Program (Studienplan Sozial- und Wirtschaftswissenschaften 07), please refer to the university's information pages.

Please contact a member of our Senior Faculty if you are looking for a supervisor according to their thesis topics.

Programs at the WU Executive Academy

For general information about the programs at the WU Executive Academy in which our institute is involved, please refer to the WU Executive Academy pages: