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Institut für Gender und Diversität in OrganisationenRSS

Die Gründung des Instituts ‚Gender und Diversität in Organisationen‘ im Jahr 2002 an der WU stellt einen forschungs- und bildungspolitischen Meilenstein dar. Durch die Integration von Gender- und Diversitätsforschung als einen fixen Bestandteil ihres wissenschaftlichen und lehrbezogenen Portfolios etablierte sich die WU Wien beispielgebend im internationalen Wissenschaftsraum. Im Mittelpunkt von Forschung und Lehre des Instituts stehen Organisationen und soziale Vielfalt sowie deren umfassende gesellschaftliche Kontexte.

Leitend für Forschung und Lehre sind kritisch-emanzipatorische Ansätze, die sich an Kriterien sozialer Gerechtigkeit und Inklusion orientieren. Mit der Etablierung cross-, trans- und interdisziplinärer Perspektiven auf Gender und Diversität in Organisationen gestalten die Wissenschafter_innen des Instituts den nationalen und internationalen Forschungs- und Lehrdiskurs mit.


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Prof. Marie-Therese Claes as guest speaker at the AASP conference

Between July 13 and 15, Prof. Marie-Therese Claes together with Judit Vegh attended the Asian Association of Social Psychology (AASP) conference in Hong Kong, where they held a presentation titled…

16th EDI conference

Prof. Marie-Therese Claes and Assistant Prof. Anett Hermann as guest speakers at the EDI conference

During June 11 and 12, Prof. Marie-Therese Claes and assistant professor Anett Hermann together with Isabelle Jänchen attended the Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) conference at the London City…

23rd International Conference on Diverdsity in Organizations, Communities and Nations

Prof. Marie-Therese Claes as guest speaker at the Conference on Diversity in Organizations, Communities and Nations

During June 22 and 23, Prof Marie-Therese Claes attended the 23rd International Conference on Diversity in Organizations, Communities and Nations in Toronto, Canada, where she held a presentation…

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Presentation on Leadership and Multiculturalism by Prof. Natasha Winkler-Titus

Prof. Natasha Winkler-Titus from Stellenbosch Business School has been our guest at the Institute of Gender and Diversity in Organizations from May 5 to May 22, 2023 and gave a presentation on…

9th International Community, Work and Family Conference

Prof. Marie-Therese Claes as guest speaker at the International Community, Work and Family Conference

Between June 15 and 17, Prof. Marie-Therese Claes attended the 9th International Community, Work and Family Conference in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, where she held a presentation on the topic of why…

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Prof. Marie-Therese Claes as guest speaker at the Gender and Sexuality Studies Conference

During June 12 and 13, Prof Marie-Therese Claes attended the Gender and Sexuality Studies Conference in Budapest, Hungary, where she held a presentation titled "When Mobile Working creates more…

AIB Annual Meeting

Prof. Marie-Therese Claes attending the AIB Annual Meeting

Between June 5 and 9, Prof. Marie-Therese Claes attended the Academy of International Business (AIB) Annual Meeting in Warsaw, Poland, where she was a member of the reviewer committee and held a…

Gastvorträge GAW, DÖW, ACCESS ÖZIV, Caritas Sozialberatung 1

Gastvorträge GAW, DÖW, ACCESS ÖZIV, Caritas Sozialberatung

Im Sommersemester 2023 gab es mehrere Gastvorträge in der LV Diversitätsdimensionen und Intersektionalität: am 14.03. klärte Rosemarie Zauner (Gleichbehandlungsanwaltschaft) über das geltende…

Mongolian culture and gender gap

Ariunaa Khashkuu at the Department of Management Research Seminar

Our guest researcher Ariunaa Khashkuu held a presentation at the Department of Management Research Seminar titled "Mongolian culture and gender gap" on March 21st.