Hintere Außenansicht des D2 Gebäudes

Slavic Research Seminar

19. Juni 2017

Vortrag Prof. Dr. Gulmyra Madiyeva/ Dr. Assem Aksholakova/ Mag. Dinara Madiyeva (Al-Farabi Kazakh National University): Multilingual Education and Multilingualism Onomastics in Kazakhstan: Problems and Prospects

Zeit: 17:30 - 19:00 Uhr

Ort: WU, Gebäude D2, Eingang D, 2.OG, Besprechungsraum D2.2.228 


Multilingual, multiethnic and multi-religious composition of the citizens of Kazakhstan determines the nature of the country’s multiculturalism. The former and currently cultivated tolerance allows the people of Kazakhstan to maintain the internal stability in society that is conducive to the process of formation of a national identity. This is very important for a country in which there are more than 130 ethnic groups and 17 religious denominations. The basis of the national idea is the public consent for the peoples of Kazakhstan and their civil identity. A balanced language policy that has provided institutional support for the languages of the ethnic groups living in Kazakhstan has played a decisive role in the establishment of social harmony and a culture of tolerance.

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