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Das Department für Wirtschaftskommunikation orientiert sich am ERIH Plus Journal Index der European Science Foundation und am Scimago Journal Rank (SJR).

Alle dort gelisteten Zeitschriften gelten als A-wertig. Zudem gilt die Zeitschriftenliste von ANVUR im Rahmen der Einreichung von besonderen Forschungsleistungen. Ein departmentinternes Verlagsranking gilt für Monographien und Beiträge in Sammelbänden.

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Prämierte Forschungsleistungen 2024

Folgende Kolleginnen und Kollegen wurden im Jahr 2024 für im Vorjahr erschienene Publikationen ausgezeichnet:

Gillings, M., Mautner, G. & Baker, P.Corpus-Assisted Discourse Studies. Cambridge University Press: Cambridge.
Gillings, M. & Mautner, G.Concordancing for CADS: Practical challenges and theoretical implications. International Journal of Corpus Linguistics. 29(1): 34-58.
Gillings, M. & Dayrell, C.Climate change in the UK press: examining discourse fluctuation over time. Applied Linguistics. 45(1): 111-133.
Komori-Glatz, M.A First Step on the Road to EMEMUS: Using ROAD-MAPPING at an Austrian Business University. In: Dafouz, E. & Smit, U. (Hrsg.)., Researching English-Medium Higher Education: Diverse Applications and Critical Evaluations of the ROAD-MAPPING Framework. London: Routledge, S. 74-81.
de Caro, F. & Komori-Glatz, M.Language and talent management: perspectives from MNCs in the Italian food production and distribution sector. Hermes - Journal of Language and Communication in Business 63, S. 143–160.
Koller, V., Borza, N., Demata, M., Filardo-Llamas, L., Gustafsson, A., Kopf, S., Miglbauer, M., Reggi, V., Saric, L., Seiler Brylla, C., Stopfer, M.Voices of supporters: Populist parties, social media and the 2019 European elections. Benjamins.
Lutzky, U.“Doesn’t Really Answer My Question . . .”: Exploring Customer Service Interactions on Twitter. International Journal of Business Communication, 61(1), 92-114.
Lawson, R., Lutzky, Ursula, Kehoe, A., and Gee, M.“‘Sorry to hear you’re going through a difficult time’: Investigating online discussions of consumer debt”. Applied Corpus Linguistics 3(2).
Matrisciano-Mayerhofer, S.Wenn 'smartness' gerade nicht 'digitale Technologisierung' bedeutet: Kommunikative Praktiken des Baustellenmarketings smarter Städte in Frankreich und Österreich zwischen De-Semantisierung und Re-Semiotisierung. In: Werbung und PR im digitalen Zeitalter: Grenzen, Übergänge und neue Formate. 1. ed. Wiesbaden: Springer VS, (Europäische Kulturen in der Wirtschaftskommunikation, Vol. 34).
Nothhaft, H. & Seiffert-Brockmann, J.From Costly Signals and Competitive Niches to Reciprocity, Memes, and Memory Traces: Evolutionary Psychology and Strategic Communication. International Journal of Strategic Communication, 17(3), 151–162.
Seiffert-Brockmann, J., Wiggins, B. & Nothhaft, H.The Meme’s-Eye View of Strategic Communication: A Case Study of Social Movements from a Memetic Perspective. International Journal of Strategic Communication, 17(3), 245–265.
Thielemann, N. & Savych, Z.Corporate Communication at the Intersection of Economic and Political Discourse: The Role of the Nation in CSR Communication in the Ukrainian Energy Sector. In: Konzepte der NATION im europäischen Kontext im 21. Jahrhundert. Salamurović, A. (ed.). Berlin, Heidelberg: Metzler, p. 287-309 (Linguistik in Empirie und Theorie/Empirical and Theoretical Linguistics).
Thielemann, N. & Berrocal, M.Framing the Energy Transition: The Case of Poland’s Turów Lignite Mine. In: International Journal of Strategic Communication.
Thielemann, N. & Weiss, D.Remedies against the Pandemic: How politicians communicate crisis management. 1 ed. John Benjamins. (Discourse Approaches to Politics, Society and Culture, Vol. 102).
Thielemann, N.The social media campaign for Russia’s Sputnik V vaccine. In: Remedies against the Pandemic: How politicians communicate crisis management. 1 ed. John Benjamins, p. 230–255 300 p. (Discourse Approaches to Politics, Society and Culture, Vol. 102).
Weder, F. Cultivation of sustainability in a discourse of change: Perspectives on communication for sustainability as new “norm” and principle of action in socio-ecological transformation processes. In: Journal of Language and Politics. 22, 5, p. 577-600 24 p.
Weder, F., Burdon, J. & Kearney, C.Eco-cultural identity building through tattoos: a conversational approach. In: Frontiers in Communication. 8.
Weder, F.The Evolution of the Sustainability Story: Strategic Sustainability Communication as Niche Construction. In: International Journal of Strategic Communication. 17, 3, p. 228-244 17 p.

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