Hintere Außenansicht des D2 Gebäudes

Department für WirtschaftskommunikationRSS



Public Lecture: Maria Nikolova

"Bulgarian Public Administration’s Social Media Communications Strategies During COVID 19 Crisis"| Maria Nikolova | 17:00, room D2.2.228


Public Lecture: Davina Vora

"Individual-level multiculturalism: What is it, how is it studied, and what are some directions for future research?"| Davina Vora | 17:00, room D2.2.228


Public Lecture: Ivan Valchanov

"Contemporary Media and Journalism Trends. Technologies, Competencies, Business Transformations"| Ivan Valchanov | 17:00, room D2.2.228



Habilitation Susanne Kopf

Am 14. November 2024 wurde Susanne Kopf die Venia Docendi in Angewandter Sprachwissenschaft für ihre Habilitation mit dem Titel „A linguistic perspective on social media and the digital platform…


Change Agents for Sustainability

Prof. Franzisca Weder and her team just published the final report of their analysis of the jobmarket for sustainability and DEI managers, their (self-defined) role in organizational and corporate…


Awards for Milena Nagengast

We are thrilled to announce that our colleague Milena Nagengast has received two awards for her outstanding dissertation entitled "Evaluation in Earnings Announcements: An Analysis of Their Accounting…


Das Department für Wirtschaftskommunikation besteht aus vier Instituten: