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English Research Seminar 08.06.2022

"Causes of miscommunication in meetings – a BELF perspective" - Evan Frendo, freelance teacher, trainer and author - Time & place: 2022-June-08 18:00, room D2.2.228

Lectures in Language, Culture and Communication 02.06.2022

Do 2. Juni 2022 Luisa Conti 18:00 – 19:30 D2.0.374 Seminarraum Titel: "Internationale virtuelle Zusammenarbeit: Empirisch fundierte Leitlinien für Teams"

Ursula Lutzky speaks at Interactional Variation Online (IVO) on approaches to communication in the Covid-19 crisis

On May 20th 11:00 GMT, Associate Professor Ursula Lutzky will speak about the Association for Business Communication for Europe, Africa and the Middle East and deliver a speech on ‘We’re not an…

Lectures in Language, Culture and Communication 19.05.2022

Do 19.5. 2022, Martin Hartung 18:00-19:30 D2.2.228 Besprechungsraum Title: "Angewandte Gesprächsforschung"

English Research Seminar 18.05.2022

"Pedagogical rules and the linguistic knowledge of English teachers" - Tom Rankin, University of Linz - Time & place: 2022- May-18 17:00, room D2.2.228

Lectures in Language, Culture and Communication 17.05.2022

Di, 17.5.2022 Dinah-Kristin Leschzyk (Bundesinstitut für Risikobewertung) 18:00 – 19:30 Online, Teilnehmeranfrage an: martina.berrocal@wu.ac.at Titel: "Analyse multimodaler Diskurse in der Risiko-…

Lectures in Language, Culture and Communication 02.05.2022

Mo 2.5 Michael Etter (King's College London) 18:00-19:30 D2.2.228 Besprechungsraum Titel: The Polarization of Social Evaluations

Jens Seiffert-Brockmann ist Researcher of the Month

Institutsvorstand Univ.Prof. Dr. Jens Seiffert-Brockmann wurde Researcher of the Month nominiert.

English Research Seminar 28.04.2022

Proposing a Model of Creative Workplace Discourse; Prof. Michael Handford (Cardiff University); Thursday 28th of April 2022, 16:00, room D2.2.228

Lectures in Language, Culture and Communication 21.04.2022 *ABGESAGT

Do, 21.04.2022 Jesper Falkheimer & Mats Heide (Lund University) 18:00-19:30 D2.2.228 Besprechungsraum Title: "The research front of strategic communication"