Hintere Außenansicht des D2 Gebäudes

Public Lecture: Dominic Busch

14. Mai 2024

„Post-​humanist in­ter­cul­tu­ra­li­ty” | Prof.Dr. Do­mi­nic Busch| 18:00, ON­LINE


How can re­se­arch dis­co­ver so­me­thing truly new? Many ap­proa­ches in the theo­ry of sci­ence and in many disci­pli­nes re­ject this ques­ti­on as naive, deny its pos­si­bi­li­ty, or sim­ply evade it. Re­se­arch in in­ter­cul­tu­ral com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on was once con­cer­ned with pre­dic­ting human be­ha­viour on the glo­bal stage, but in re­cent de­ca­des it has in­crea­sin­gly fo­cu­sed on ex­plo­ring in­ter­cul­tu­ra­li­ty as the in­cor­po­ra­ti­on of the other, the for­eign and the new. Epis­te­mo­lo­gi­cal con­cerns have been at the root of sever­al chal­len­ges in this pro­ject, such as the cri­sis of re­p­re­sen­ta­ti­on and the re­flec­tions on ‘wri­ting cul­tu­re’ in cul­tu­ral an­thro­po­lo­gy. How­e­ver, this se­arch for the new has been given fur­ther im­pe­tus by the gro­wing re­cep­ti­on of post­st­ruc­tu­ral thin­king in in­ter­cul­tu­ral com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on re­se­arch. In par­ti­cu­lar, mo­vements such as the on­to­lo­gi­cal turn, new ma­te­ria­lism and post-​humanism are ar­guing for a fun­da­men­tal rethin­king of the epis­te­mo­lo­gi­cal and, above all, on­to­lo­gi­cal as­sump­ti­ons of the so­cial sci­en­ces. Ac­cordin­gly, the se­arch for the new will re­qui­re that it not be con­cei­ved in its dif­fe­rence from the self. Re­se­ar­chers will need to shift their per­spec­ti­ve away from the tra­di­tio­nal hu­ma­nistic and an­thro­po­cent­ric world­view. Fi­nal­ly, they should no lon­ger use exis­ting re­se­arch me­thods to struc­tu­re what they find. This lec­tu­re will pre­sent and dis­cuss some dif­fe­rent ap­proa­ches from the field of in­ter­cul­tu­ral com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on re­se­arch that put these claims into prac­ti­ce. It will show the emer­gence of a se­arch for what might be cal­led a post-​humanist in­ter­cul­tu­ra­li­ty. The lec­tu­re con­clu­des by cri­ti­cal­ly ex­ami­ning the li­mi­ta­ti­ons of such an ap­proach.


Do­mi­nic Busch is a pro­fes­sor of in­ter­cul­tu­ral com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on and con­flict re­se­arch at Uni­ver­si­tät der Bun­des­wehr Mün­chen, fa­cul­ty of human sci­en­ces. In his re­se­arch, Do­mi­nic fo­cu­ses on how so­cie­ties pro­ject ethi­cal aspi­ra­ti­ons into the way they deal with in­ter­cul­tu­ra­li­ty (full ar­ti­cle) and how no­ti­ons of cul­tu­re are used in con­flict me­dia­ti­on re­se­arch to crea­te dif­fe­rent un­der­stan­dings of in­ter­cul­tu­ral me­dia­ti­on (full ar­ti­cle). Do­mi­nic is the edi­tor of the Rout­ledge Hand­book of In­ter­cul­tu­ral Me­dia­ti­on 2023.

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