Ansicht Campus WU

Fachseminar aus Steuerrecht

25S 4252 Simulated Tax Treaty Negotiations with the Netherlands

Datum Beginn Ende Raum Gebäude
2025-03-31 14:00 18:00 D3.2.243 D3
2025-04-25 14:00 18:00 D3.2.243 D3
2025-04-29 14:00 18:00 D3.2.243 D3
2025-05-19 09:00 14:00 D3.2.243 D3
2025-05-22 09:00 12:00 D3.2.243 D3

25S 4140 Seminar on Recent Developments in European and International Tax Law

Datum Beginn Ende Raum Gebäude
2025-03-17 09:00 12:00 D3.2.243 D3
2025-03-17 16:30 19:30 D3.2.243 D3
2025-04-28 09:00 12:00 D3.2.243 D3
2025-04-28 16:30 19:30 D3.2.243 D3
2025-06-02 09:00 12:00 D3.2.243 D3
2025-06-02 16:30 19:30 D3.2.243 D3

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25S 5194 BEPS (Base Erosion Profit Shifting) and other OECD and EU Initiatives against Aggressive Tax Planning

Datum Beginn Ende Raum Gebäude
2025-03-13 11:30 15:00 D1.1.078 D1
2025-03-27 12:00 15:30 TC.3.06 TC
2025-03-31 09:00 12:30 D2.0.342 Teacher Training Raum D2
2025-04-24 09:00 12:30 D4.0.019 D4
2025-05-05 09:00 12:30 D2.0.342 Teacher Training Raum D2
2025-05-15 09:00 12:30 EA.5.044 EA
2025-06-05 11:00 12:30 TC.5.12 TC

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25S 4639 Seminar im Unternehmenssteuerrecht

Datum Beginn Ende Raum Gebäude
2025-03-04 16:00 17:00 D4.0.039 D4
2025-06-03 14:00 18:00 D3.0.222 D3
2025-06-04 14:00 18:00 Extern Ohne Gebäude

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