Die Erholunsgzone vor dem D4 Gebäude über dem Brunnen.

Summer Term 2014

Der Inhalt dieser Seite ist aktuell nur auf Englisch verfügbar.

You are cordially invited to attend the talks in seminar room D4.0.127 (Building D4, Entrance A, ground level) on Thursdays at 4:30pm.

March 20 - ATTENTION! 5:30 pm, TU Wien

Seminar Room 101C, TU Wien, Wiedner Hauptstraße 8, 1040 Wien
("Freihaus" building, green section, 4th floor)

Marius Hofert (Department of Mathematics, Technische Universität München):

An extreme value approach for modeling operational risk losses depending on covariates


> Talk

March 27

Håvard Rue (Department of Mathematical Sciences, NTNU, Norway):

Penalising model component complexity: A principled practical approach to constructing priors

> Abstract    
> Talk


April 3

Steve Scott (Google, Inc.):

Bayes and Big Data: The Consensus Monte Carlo Algorithm

> Abstract

> Talk


April 10

Mattias Villani (Department of Computer and Information Science, Linköping University):

Speeding up MCMC with Efficient Data Subsampling

> Abstract
> Talk


May 14 - ATTENTION! W e d n e s d a y, 4:30 - 6:30 pm

EA.0.024 EA Foyer (Executive Academy)


Mark Steel (University of Warwick):

Incorporating unobserved heterogeneity in Weibull survival models: A Bayesian approach

> Abstract
> Talk


May 22

Peter Rossi (UCLA Anderson School of Management):

Valuation of Patents and Product Features: A Structural Approach

> Abstract

> Talk

June 5

Markus Pauly (Department of Mathematics, Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf):

Resampling methods for randomly censored survival data

> Abstract    
> Talk

June 12

Wolfgang Hörmann

(Department of Industrial Engineering, Boğaziçi University, Istanbul)


Risk simulation with optimally stratified importance sampling

> Abstract    
> Talk