(contributions in chronological order)
Köppl-Turyna, Monika, Briglauer, Wolfgang, Roswell, Joe. Broadband and Climate Action: Why digital policy is climate policy. International Telecommunications Society (ITS) Webinar, 28.01.
Briglauer, Wolfgang. Economic Benefits of High-Speed Broadband Network Coverage and Service Adoption: Evidence from OECD Member States. Research seminar TU Ilmenau, Ilmenau, Germany, 28.11.
Briglauer, Wolfgang. Evaluating the Effects of ICT on CO2 Emissions: Recent Evidence from OECD Countries. Invited talk at RTR-Gmbh, Vienna, Austria, 13.11.
Briglauer, Wolfgang. Economic Benefits of High-Speed Broadband Network Coverage and Service Adoption. ITS 32nd European Conference, Madrid, Spain, 19.06.
Briglauer, Wolfgang. Economic Benefits of High-Speed Broadband Network Coverage and Service Adoption: Evidence from OECD Member States. WIFO Research Seminar, Vienna, Austria, 16.11.
Briglauer, Wolfgang. Evaluating effects of ICT core elements on CO2 emissions: recent evidence from OECD countries. ITS 31st European Conference, Gothenburg, Sweden, 20.06.- 21.06.
Briglauer, Wolfgang. Net Neutrality and High-Speed Broadband Networks: Evidence from OECD Countries. Weizenbaum Colloquium, Berlin, Germany, 02.12.
Briglauer, Wolfgang. An Empirical Assessment of Recent Net Neutrality Policies in OECD Member States. ITS Biennial Conference, Gothenburg, Sweden, 21.06.-23.06.
Briglauer, Wolfgang. An Empirical Assessment of Recent Net Neutrality Policies in OECD Member States. WU Anniversary Fund of the City of Vienna, Vienna, Austria, 16.06.
Briglauer, Wolfgang. An Empirical Assessment of Recent Net Neutrality Policies in OECD Member States. Habilitation talk, Ilmenau, Germany, 27.01.
Briglauer, Wolfgang. Hochbreitband – Stand und politische Ziele. Ko-Referat, Sitzung der Kommission für Infrastruktur der economiesuisse - Verband der Schweizer Unternehmen, Online event, 24.11.
Briglauer, Wolfgang. An Ex-post Assessment of the Economic Benefits of High-Speed Broadband Coverage and Adoption: First Evidence from OECD Member States. Weizenbaum Colloquium, Berlin, Germany, 22.09.
Briglauer, Wolfgang. Internet Policies: The Role of Regulation, Subsidies and the Economic Impact of Broadband. Invited talk, Weizenbaum Institute, Berlin, Germany, 11.05.
Briglauer, Wolfgang. Competition and Infrastructure Regulation: Applications from Telecommunications. Guest lecture, TU Ilmenau, Ilmenau, Germany, 11.12.
Briglauer, Wolfgang. A retrospective Study on the Benefits and Costs of a National High-Speed Broadband Plan: Evidence from the German Counties. Economics department research seminar, TU Ilmenau, Ilmenau, Germany, 10.12.
Briglauer, Wolfgang. A Retrospective Study on the Regional Benefits and Spillover Effects of HighSpeed Broadband Networks: Evidence from German Counties. ZEW research department seminar, Mannheim, Germany, 08.10.
Gugler, Klaus, Haxhimusa, Adhurim, Liebensteiner, Mario. Effective Climate Policy Doesn’t Have to be Expensive. EARIE, Barcelona, Spain, 30.08.-01.09.
Glaser, Timotheus. Splitting the German-Austrian Electricity Market - A Policy Evaluation. Workshop on Empirical Industrial Organization, WU, Vienna, Austria, 12.06.
Briglauer, Wolfgang. First evidence on economic benefits of (Ultra-) Fast broadband technologies in Europe. Economics department research seminar, TU Ilmenau, Ilmenau, Germany, 09.04.
Briglauer, Wolfgang. Go for Gigabit? First Evidence on Economic Benefits of Fiber-based Broadband Technologies in Europe. Invited talk, University of Freiburg, Freiburg, Germany, 11.12.
Briglauer, Wolfgang. Go for Gigabit? First Evidence on Economic Benefits of (Ultra-) Fast Broadband Technologies in Europe. 29th ITS European Conference, Trento, Italy, 01.08.-04.08.
Glaser, Timotheus. German-Austrian market splitting - a policy evaluation. Vienna Energy Group Meeting (VEG), together with EEG/ TU Vienna, at WU, Vienna, Austria, 29.11.
Gugler, Klaus, Heim, Sven, Janssen, Maarten, Liebensteiner, Mario. Market Liberalization: Price Dispersion, Price Discrimination and Consumer Search in German Electricity Markets. EARIE 2018, Athens, Greece, 31.08.- 02.09.
Haxhimusa, Adhurim. The Effects of German Wind and Solar Electricity on French Spot Price Volatility: An Empirical Investigation. Seventh Mannheim Energy Conference, ZEW, Mannheim, Germany, 14.05.-15.05.
Gugler, Klaus. Wettbewerb und Regulierung am Beispiel Energiewirtschaft – eine Zwischenbilanzierung der Energiemarktliberalisierung in Österreich. AGGM information & communication day, Vienna, Austria, 28.11.
Gugler, Klaus. The degree of regulation in particular sectors and the assessment of introducing competition principle into selected sectors through unbundling. Conference on Current Trends in Competition, Bratislava, Slovakia, 25.10.
Haxhimusa, Adhurim. Cross-border technology differences and trade barriers: Evidence from German and French electricity markets, 5th International on Environment and Energy Finance Issues (ISEFI 2017), Paris, France, 22.05.-23.05.
Gugler, Klaus. Patents and Cumulative Innovation – Evidence from Post-Grant Patent Oppositions – Discussant. Annual Meeting of the Committee for Industrial Economics, Munich, Germany, 23.03-24.03.
Graf, Christoph. Renewable energy and its impact on thermal generation. 1st AIEE Energy Symposium, Milan, Italy, 30.11.-02.12.
Gugler, Klaus, Haxhimusa, Adhurim. Cross-Border Technology Differences and Trade Barriers: Evidence from German and French Electricity Markets. 5th International PhD-Day of the AAEE Student Chapter, Czech Technical University, Prague, Czech Republic, 07.11.
Gugler, Klaus, Heim, Sven, Liebensteiner, Mario. Non-sequential Search, Competition, and Price Dispersion in Retail Electricity. CRESSE International Conference on Competition and Regulation, Rhodes, Greece, 30.06.-03.07.
Graf, Christoph. Renewable energy and its impact on thermal generation. 7th Atlantic Workshop on Energy and Environmental Economics, A Toxa (Galicia), Spain, 27.06.-28.06.
Graf, Christoph. Renewable energy intermittency and its impact on thermal generation. Mannheim Energy Conference 2016, ZEW Mannheim, Germany, 19.05.-20.05.
Gugler, Klaus, Haxhimusa, Adhurim, Liebensteiner, Mario. Integration and Efficiency of European Electricity Markets: Evidence from Spot Prices. Fifth Mannheim Energy Conference 2016, Mannheim, Germany, 19.05.-20.05.
Gugler, Klaus, Liebensteiner, Mario, Heim, Sven. Non-sequential Search, Competition, and Price Dispersion in Retail Electricity. Fifth Mannheim Energy Conference 2016, Mannheim, Germany, 19.05.-20.05.
Gugler, Klaus, Haxhimusa, Adhurim, Liebensteiner, Mario. Integration and Efficiency of European Electricity Markets: Evidence from Spot Prices. Young Energy Economists and Engineers Seminar, 20th YEEES, University of Basel, Basel, Switzerland, 28.04.- 29.04.
Gugler, Klaus, Haxhimusa, Adhurim, Liebensteiner, Mario, Schindler, Nora. The Missing Money Problem. Young Energy Economists and Engineers Seminar, 20th YEEES, University of Basel, Basel, Switzerland, 28.04.-29.04.
Schindler, Nora. Interaction Effects between different Types of Energy Generating Capacities - A Firm Level Study. Enerday - Conference on Energy Economics and Technology, TU Dresden, Dresden, Germany, 08.04.
Gugler, Klaus, Haxhimusa, Adhurim, Liebensteiner, Mario. Integration of European Electricity Markets: Evidence from Spot Prices. International Symposium of Energy and Finance Issues (ISEFI), Paris, France, 24.03.-25.03.
Graf, Christoph. Renewable energy intermittency and its impact on thermal generation. Italian Association of Environmental and Resource Economists (IAERE), Bologna, Italy, 11.02-12.02.
Haxhimusa, Adhurim. Market Integration of European Electricity Markets? - Evidence from Spot Prices. EnInnovation 2016, 14. Symposium Energieinnovation, Graz, Austria, 10.02.-12.02.
Haxhimusa, Adhurim. Facility- and Service-based Competition and Investment in Fixed Broadband Networks: Lessons from a Decade of Access Regulations in the European Union Member States. 8th Annual CRNI Conference, TU Delft, The Netherlands 19.11.
Liebensteiner, Mario. Vertical Disintegration in the European Electricity Sector: Empirical Evidence on Lost Synergies. CGNI Workshop on Regulation in Network Industries, WU, Vienna, Austria, 29.10.
Schindler, Nora. The Missing Money Problem. 33rd USAEE “The Dynamic Energy Landscape”, Pittsburgh, USA, 25.10.-28.10.
Schindler, Nora. The Missing Money Problem. "Economics of Electricity Markets" Summer School, Ghent University, Belgium, 01.09.-04.09.
Liebensteiner, Mario. Vertical Disintegration in the European Electricity Sector: Empirical Evidence on Lost Synergies. CRESSE International Conference on Competition and Regulation, Rethimnon, Greece, 03.07.-05.07.
Schindler, Nora. The Missing Money Problem. 4th Mannheim Energy Conference, Centre for European Economic Research (ZEW), Mannheim, Germany, 07.05.-08.05.
Schindler, Nora. The Missing Money Problem. Fourth International AAEE Student Chapter PhD Day, TU Vienna, Austria, 27.03.
Liebensteiner, Mario. Vertical Disintegration in the European Electricity Sector: Empirical Evidence on Lost Synergies. ZEW Research Seminar on Competition and Regulation, Mannheim, Germany, 26.03.
Haxhimusa, Adhurim. The Price of Price Convergence. ZEW Research Seminar on Competition and Regulation, Mannheim, Germany, 19.02.
Haxhimusa, Adhurim. The Price of Price Convergence. IEWT- 9. Internationale Energiewirtschaftstagung, "Energiesysteme im Wandel: Evolution oder Revolution?", TU Vienna, Austria, 11.02.-13.02.
Schindler, Nora. The Missing Money Problem. IEWT- 9. Internationale Energiewirtschaftstagung, "Energiesysteme im Wandel: Evolution oder Revolution?", TU Vienna, Austria, 11.02.-13.02.
Liebensteiner, Mario. Assessing the Economies of Scope from Vertical Integration: Empirical Evidence from European Electricity Utilities. IAEE International Conference on Energy & the Economy, New York City, USA, 16.06.-18.06.
Liebensteiner, Mario. Assessing the Economies of Scope from Vertical Integration: Empirical Evidence from European Electricity Utilities. ZEW Energy Conference, Mannheim, Germany, 05.06.-06.06.
Liebensteiner, Mario. Assessing the Economies of Scope from Vertical Integration: Empirical Evidence from European Electricity Utilities. Workshop on Industrial Economics, WU, Vienna, Austria, 12.02.-14.02.
Briglauer, Wolfgang. The Impact of Regulation and Competition on the Adoption of Fiber-based Broadband Services: Recent Evidence from the European Union Member States. MaCCI Competition and Regulation Day, Mannheim, Germany, 05.12.
Briglauer, Wolfgang. The Impact of Regulation and Competition on the Adoption of Fiber-based Broadband Services: Recent Evidence from the European Union Member States. 6th Annual CRNI Conference, Brussels, Belgium, 22.11.
Liebensteiner, Mario, Schmitt, Stephan. Assessing the Economies of Vertical Integration: Evidence from European Electricity Utilities. Workshop on Empirical Industrial Organization, Justus Liebig University Giessen, Germany, 14.11.-15.11.
Briglauer, Wolfgang. The Impact of Regulation and Competition on the Adoption of Fiber-based Broadband Services: Recent Evidence from the European Union Member States. 24th European Regional Conference of the International Telecommunications Society, Florence, Italy, 20.10.-23.10.
Kucsera, Dénes, Schmitt, Stephan. The Impact of the Regulatory Reform Process on R&D Expenditures of European Electricity Utilities. Annual Conference of the Verein für Socialpolitik (VfS), Düsseldorf, Germany, 04.09.-07.09.
Bogner, Stefan, Gasser, Stephan, Rammerstorfer, Margarethe. M&As in European and North American Energy Markets: Implications for the Assessment of Legal and Ownership Unbundling. 22nd European Financial Management Association Annual Meeting, Reading, UK, 26.06.-29.06.
Kucsera, Dénes, Schmitt, Stephan. The Impact of the Regulatory Reform Process on R&D Expenditures of European Electricity Utilities. IAEE International Conference, Daegu, South Korea, 16.06.-20.06. (Student Paper Awardee)
Briglauer, Wolfgang. The Impact of Regulation and Competition on the Adoption of Fiber-based Broadband Services: Recent Evidence from the European Union Member States. 2nd Conference on the Regulation of Infrastructure Industries, Florence, Italy, 07.06.
Kremser, Thomas, Rammerstorfer, Margarethe. The Convenience Yield implied in the European natural gas markets - The Impact of Macrofactors and Weather. Eastern Finance Association 2013 Annual Meetings, St. Pete Beach, USA, 10.04.-13.04.
Kucsera, Dénes, Schmitt, Stephan. The Impact of the European Regulatory Reforms on the Electricity-related R&D Investments. 31st USAEE/IAEE North American Conference, Austin, TX, USA, 04.11.-07.11.
Bremberger, Christoph, Bremberger, Francisca, Luptácik, Mikulas, Schmitt, Stephan. Impact of Regulatory Standards on the Eco-Efficiency of Firms. InfraTrain Autumn School, Berlin, Germany, 07.10.-12.10.
Kucsera, Dénes, Schmitt, Stephan. The Impact of the European Regulatory Reforms on the Electricity-related R&D Investments. 12th IAEE European Energy Conference, Venice, Italy, 09.09-12.09.
Briglauer, Wolfgang. Infrastruktur und Datentransport. Workshop "Konvergenz von Energiesystemen und IKT", Federal Ministry for Transport, Innovation and Technology, Vienna, Austria, 11.09.
Bremberger, Francisca, Cambini, Carlo, Gugler, Klaus, Rondi, Laura. Dividend policy of regulated electricity utilities in Europe: The impact of changing ownership and regulatory patterns. Annual EARIE Conference, Rome, Italy, 02.09.-04.09.
Briglauer, Wolfgang, Ecker, Georg, Gugler, Klaus. Regulation and Investment in Next Generation Access Networks: Recent Evidence from the European Member States. 39th Annual EARIE Conference, Rome, Italy, 02.09.-04.09.
Kucsera, Dénes, Schmitt, Stephan. Regulation, Public Ownership and R&D: Empirical Evidence from European Electricity Utilities. Annual EARIE Conference, Rome, Italy, 02.09.-04.09.
Kucsera, Dénes, Schmitt, Stephan. The Impact of the European Regulatory Reforms on the Electricity-related R&D Investments. 14th CCRP Workshop, Vienna, Austria, 12.07.-13.07.
Briglauer, Wolfgang, Gugler, Klaus. A critical appraisal of the European Commission's policy towards regulating next generation communications networks. 23rd European Regional Conference of the International Telecommunications Society, Vienna, Austria, 01.07.-04.07.
Briglauer, Wolfgang, Holzleitner, Christian. Efficient contracts for government intervention in promoting next generation communication networks. 23rd European Regional Conference of the International Telecommunications Society, Vienna, Austria, 01.07.-04.07.
Kucsera, Dénes, Schmitt, Stephan. The Impact of the European Regulatory Reforms on the Electricity-related R&D Investments. 1st Mannheim Energy Conference, Mannheim, Germany, 25.06.-26.06.
Briglauer, Wolfgang, Ecker, Georg, Gugler, Klaus. Regulation and Investment in Next Generation Access Networks: Recent Evidence from the European Member States, 1st Annual Conference on the Regulation of Infrastructure Industries, Florence, Italy, 15.06.
Bogner, Stefan, Gasser, Stephan, Rammerstorfer, Margarethe. M&As in European and North American Energy Markets: Implications for the Assessment of Legal & Ownership Unbundling. An Event Study Analysis. 5th International Workshop on Empirical Methods in Energy Economics (EMEE) at DIW Berlin, Berlin, Germany, 07.06.-08.06.
Briglauer, Wolfgang, Ecker, Georg, Gugler, Klaus. Regulation and Investment in Next Generation Access Networks: Recent Evidence from the European Member States. Communications & Media Markets: Emerging Trends & Policy Issues, Scientific Seminar, Florence, Italy, 18.05.-19.05.
Kucsera, Dénes, Schmitt, Stephan. Regulation, Public Ownership and R&D: Empirical Evidence from European Electricity Utilities. 9th International Conference on the European Energy Market (EEM), Florence, Italy, 10.05.-12.05.
Kucsera, Dénes, Schmitt, Stephan. The Impact of the European Regulatory Reforms on the Electricity-related R&D Investments. 9th International Conference on the European Energy Market (EEM), Florence, Italy, 10.05.-12.05.
Kremser, Thomas, Rammerstorfer, Margarethe. Risk Premium - The Case of Unrealized Expectations in the Natural Gas Markets. The 61st Annual Meeting of the Midwest Finance Association, New Orleans, USA, 22.02.-25.02.
Briglauer, Wolfgang, Ecker, Georg, Gugler, Klaus. NGA Investements, regulation and competition: evidence from the European member states. Economic research seminar at WU, Vienna, Austria, 11.01.
Bogner, Stefan, Gasser, Stephan, Rammerstorfer, Margarethe. Do merger announcements create value - A Comparison of European and North American Energy Markets. 26th Workshop of the Austrian Working Group on Banking and Finance (AWG), Klagenfurt, Austria, 26.11.
Kremser, Thomas, Rammerstorfer, Margarethe. Convenience Yield and Risk Premium - Comparison of the European and US Natural Gas Markets. 26th Workshop of the Austrian Working Group on Banking and Finance (AWG), Klagenfurt, Austria, 26.11.
Ecker, Georg. Regulation and Investment in Next Generation Access Networks: Recent Evidence from the European Member States. Meeting between regulators and the Federal Competition Authority, Vienna, Austria, 24.11.
Gugler, Klaus, Rammerstorfer, Margarethe, Schmitt, Stephan. The Trade-off between static and dynamic efficiency in electricity markets - A cross country study. Research Seminar at the University of St. Gallen, Switzerland, 29.09.
Briglauer, Wolfgang, Ecker, Georg, Gugler, Klaus. NGA investments, regulation and competition: evidence from the European member states. 22nd European Regional ITS conference, Budapest, Hungary, 18.09.-21.09.
Gugler, Klaus, Rammerstorfer, Margarethe, Schmitt, Stephan. The Trade-off between static and dynamic efficiency in electricity markets - A cross country study. 38th Annual EARIE Conference, Stockholm, Sweden, 01.09.-03.09.
Kremser, Thomas, Rammerstorfer, Margarethe. Convenience Yield and Risk Premium - Comparison of the European and US Natural Gas Markets. 38th Annual EARIE Conference, Stockholm, Sweden, 01.09.-03.09.
Bremberger, Christoph, Bremberger, Francisca, Luptácik, Mikulas, Schmitt, Stephan. Impact of Regulatory Standards on the Eco-Efficiency of Firms. International Conference on Operations Research, Zurich, Switzerland, 30.08.-02.09.
Bremberger, Christoph, Bremberger, Francisca, Schmitt, Stephan. Assessing the Effects of Different Regulatory Regimes on European Electricity Distribution Efficiency. International Conference on Operations Research, Zurich, Switzerland, 30.08.-02.09.
Gugler, Klaus, Rammerstorfer, Margarethe, Schmitt, Stephan. The Trade-off between static and dynamic efficiency in electricity markets - A cross country study. The Competition and Regulation European Summer School (CRESSE), Rhodes, Greece, 01.07.-03.07.
Bauer, Francisca, Bremberger, Christoph, Luptácik, Mikulas, Schmitt, Stephan. Impact of Regulatory Standards on the Eco-Efficiency of Firms. EWEPA 2011, Verona, Italy, 21.06.-24.06.
Bremberger, Francisca, Kucsera, Dénes. Modelling the Investment and Innovation Decision of a Grid Operator. 34th IAEE Conference, Stockholm, Sweden, 19.06.-23.06.
Briglauer, Wolfgang. Die Herausforderungen an die zukünftige Festnetzregulierung angesichts aktuellster Marktentwicklungen. Volkswirtschaftliches Kolloquium der Helmut Schmidt Universität, Hamburg, Germany, 22.06.
Bauer Francisca, Bremberger, Christoph, Schmitt, Stephan. Assessing the Effects of Different Regulatory Regimes on European Electricity Distribution Efficiency. 34th IAEE International Conference, Stockholm, Sweden, 19.06.-22.06.
Briglauer, Wolfgang. Outlining the Inefficiencies of Cost-Based Wholesale Regulation with Excess Capacity and Sunk Costs in Fixed Networks. 6th Annual Regulatory Cost Modelling & Accounting Conference, Vienna, Austria, 15.06.-16.06.
Bogner, Stefan, Gasser, Stephan, Rammerstorfer, Margarethe. Utility merger, unbundling, and synergy effects. 14th Economics of Infrastructures Conference, Delft, Netherlands, 26.05.
Bauer, Francisca, Bremberger, Christoph, Luptácik, Mikulas, Schmitt, Stephan.
Impact of Regulatory Standards for the Eco-Efficiency of Firms. CCRP, Birmingham, UK, 11.02.
Kucsera, Dénes, Rammerstorfer, Margarethe.
Grid Expansion Investments When Production is Uncertain - a Real Options Model in the Context of Renewables. 23rd Australasian Finance and Banking Conference, Sydney, Australien, 15.12. - 17.12.
Rammerstorfer, Margarethe, Schmitt, Stephan.
Ownership unbundling, investments and consumer prices - A panel data analysis. Brussels, CRNI, Belgium, 19.11.
Briglauer, Wolfgang. Die Zukunft der Festnetzvorleistungsregulierung. Ökonomentreffen der Regulatoren und der Bundeswettbewerbsbehörde, Vienna, Austria, 08.11.
Bremberger, Christoph, Prüggler, Natalie.
A Regulatory Innovation Incentive for Alternative Grid Structure Design Options. 29th USAEE/IAEE North American Conference, Calgary, Kanada, 14.10.-16.10.
Schmitt, Stephan, Rammerstorfer, Margarethe.
Ownership unbundling, investments and consumer prices - A panel data analysis. USAEE, Calgary, Kanada, 14.10.-16.10.
Dockner, Engelbert, Kucsera, Dénes, Rammerstorfer, Margarethe.
Value and Risk Implication of grid Expansion Investments. USAEE/IAEE 29th North American Conference, Calgary, Kanada, 14.10-16.10.
Dockner, Engelbert, Kucsera, Dénes, Rammerstorfer, Margarethe.
The Value and risk Implications of Grid Expansion Investments. Infratrain, 8th course on "Applied Infrastructure Research and Policy Training", Berlin, Germany, 04.10-09.10.
Bauer, Francisca, Bremberger, Christoph, Rammerstorfer, Margarethe.
The Impact of Different Unbundling Scenarios on Concentration and Wholesale Prices in Energy Markets. EEA, Glasgow, Scotland 23.08-26.08.
Bauer, Francisca, Bremberger, Christoph, Kunz, Friedrich.
Implementation of the Hogan, Rosellón, and Vogelsang (HRV) incentive mechanism into the InTraGas model. IAEE, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil, 06.06.-09.06.
Bauer, Francisca, Bremberger, Christoph, Rammerstorfer, Margarethe.
The Impact of Different Unbundling Scenarios on Concentration and Wholesale Prices in Energy Markets. IAEE, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil, 06.06.-09.06.
Bauer, Francisca, Bremberger, Christoph, Kunz, Friedrich.
Implementation of the Hogan, Rosellón, and Vogelsang (HRV) incentive mechanism into the InTraGas model. 11. Symposium Energieinnovation, Graz, Austria, 10.02.-12.02.
Bauer, Francisca, Bremberger, Christoph, Rammerstorfer, Margarethe.
The Impact of Different Unbundling Scenarios on Concentration and Wholesale Prices in Energy Markets. 11. Symposium Energieinnovation, Graz, Austria, 10.02.-12.02.
Rammerstorfer, Margarethe.
Constrained Divestiture and Ownership Unbundling. Infraday, Berlin, Germany, 09.10.-10.10.
Eisl, Alexander, Rammerstorfer, Margarethe.
Optimal Bidding Strategies for German Power Reserves. INREC, Duisburg-Essen, Germany, 05.10.-06.10.
Briglauer, Wolfgang, Schwarz, Anton, Zulehner, Christine.
Is Fixed-Mobile Substitution strong enough to de-regulate Fixed Voice Telephony? Evidence from the Austrian Markets. NEREC Conference on Electronic Communications, Madrid, Spain, 11.09.-12.09.
Rammerstorfer, Margarethe.
Constrained Divestiture and Ownership Unbundling. IAEE, Vienna, Austria, 07.09.-10.09.
Briglauer, Wolfgang, Schwarz, Anton, Zulehner, Christine.
Is Fixed-Mobile Substitution strong enough to de-regulate fixed voice telephony? Evidence from the Austrian Markets. EARIE 36th annual conference, Ljubljana, Slovenia, 03.09.-05.09.
Rammerstorfer, Margarethe.
Carbon Capture and Storage - Investment Strategies for the Future. Derivatives Down Under, Melbourne, Australia, 04.04.-05.04.
Kobialka, Marek, Rammerstorfer, Margarethe.
Regulatory Risk and Market Reactions - Empirical Evidence from Germany. The 21st Australasian Finance and Banking Conference 2008, Sydney, Australia, 16.12.-18.12.
Kobialka, Marek, Rammerstorfer, Margarethe.
Regulatory Risk and Market Reactions - Empirical Evidence from Germany. IASK International Conference Global Management 2008, Porto, Portugal, 13.10.-15.10.
Briglauer, Wolfgang, Götz, Georg, Schwarz, Anton. Regulation and Competition in Fixed-Line Telephony. EARIE, Toulouse, France, 04.09.-06.09.
Burger, Anton.
Did Quality Regulation Pay off in Norway? Dynamic Comparisons of Allocative Efficiency and Welfare. Conference of the European Association for Research in Industrial Economics - EARIE, Toulouse, France, 04.09.-06.09.
Burger, Anton.
Peak Load Pricing under Imperfect Competition. 23rdAnnual Congress of the European Economic Association - EEA ESEM, Milan, Italy, 21.08.-27.08.
Burger, Anton.
Generation Capacity Investment in Oligopolistic Markets under Uncertainty. 31st International Conference of the International Association of Energy Economics - IAEE, Istanbul, Turkey, 18.06.-20.06.
Burger, Anton, Ferstl, Robert.
Generation Capacity Investment in Electricity Markets under Uncertainty. 5th International Conference on the European Electricity Market - EEM, Lisbon, Portugal, 28.05.-30.05.
Growitsch, Christian, Rammerstorfer, Margarethe, Weber, Christoph.
Redesigning the balancing power market in Germany - a critical assessment. EEM, Lisbon, Portugal, 28.05.-30.05.
Neumann, Anne, Rammerstorfer, Margarethe, Stronzik, Marcus.
Theory of Storage - An Empirical Assessment of the European Natural Gas Market. EEM, Lisbon, Portugal, 28.05.-30.05.
Rammerstorfer, Margarethe, Nagel, Thomas.
Investment Decisions under Market Concentration and Price Regulation. Derivatives Down Under, Melbourne, Australia, 19.03.
Burger, Anton.
Generation Capacity Investment in Electricity Markets in an Oligopolistic, Dynamic and Stochastic Framework. 10. Symposium Energieinnovation - Energiewende, Graz, Austria, 13.02.-15.02.
Nagel, Thomas, Rammerstorfer, Margarethe.
Assigning Market Power to Price Cap Regulation by the Analysis of Investment Decisions. PARIS FINANCE INTERNATIONAL MEETING, Paris, France, 20.12.-21.12.
Burger, Anton.
Hat Qualitätsregulierung in Norwegen die Wohlfahrt verbessert?. Workshop zur Mathematischen Ökonomie und Optimierung in der Energiewirtschaft, Österreichische Gesellschaft für Operations Research und Institut für Höhere Studien, Vienna, Austria, 20.09.
Burger, Anton, von Geymüller, Philipp.
Assessing the effects of quality Regulation in Norway with a quality regulated version of dynamic DEA. 34rd Annual Conference of the European Association for Research in Industrial Economics - EARIE, Valencia, Spain, 06.09.-09.09.
Burger, Anton, von Geymüller, Philipp.
Did quality regulation pay off in Norway? Dynamic Efficiency Analysis, Allocative Efficiency, and Welfare. 22nd Annual Congress of the European Economic Association - EEA ESEM, Budapest, Hungary, 27.08-31.08.
Burger, Anton, Ferstl, Robert.
A Microsimulation of the Austrian Wholesale Electricity Market. 1st General Conference of the International Microsimulation Association, Vienna, Austria, 20.08.-22.08.
Burger, Anton, Ferstl, Robert.
A Microsimulation of the Austrian Wholesale Electricity Market. INFORMS International Meeting, Rio Grande, Puerto Rico, 08.07.-11.07.
Burger, Anton, Zagler, Martin.
US Growth and budget consolidation in the nineties: Was there a non-Keynesian effect?. Jahrestagung der Nationalökonomischen Gesellschaft Österreichs - NOeG, Workshop Public Dept, Klagenfurt, Austria, 20.05.
Nagel, Thomas, Rammerstorfer, Margarethe.
Investment Decisions under Uncertainty and Price Cap Regulation. 30th Conference of the International Association of Energy Economics, Wellington, New Zealand, 18.02.-21.02.
von Geymüller, Philipp.
THE EFFICIENCY OF EUROPEAN TRANSMISSION SYSTEM OPERATORS: AN APPLICATION OF DYNAMIC DEA. Internationale Energiewirtschaftliche Tagung , TU Vienna, Austria, 15.02.-16.02.
Nagel, Thomas, Rammerstorfer, Margarethe.
Investment Decisions under Uncertainty and Price Cap Regulation. 19th Australasian Finance and Banking Conference, Sydney, Australia, 13.12.-15.12.
Rammerstorfer, Margarethe.
The Effects of Regulation and Regulatory Risk in the Austrian Electricity Industry - An Event Study. EARIE Conference, Amsterdam, Netherlands, 25.08.-27.08.