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Picture of Prof Doug Creed

Fulbright Visiting Professor Prof. Doug Creed at WU in the summer term 2025

We are very happy to welcome Prof. Doug Creed at the Institute for Organization Studies!

Journal of Accounting and Public Policy

New Study: “The role of public auditing in delegated governance”

Stephan Leixnering, Markus Höllerer, Tobias Polzer and Michael Schiffinger have published a new paper in the Journal of Accounting and Public Policy.

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SAP Meets OMT – Insights, Synergies & Pathways into the Future

Join us for an insightful discussion as scholars from the Strategizing Activities and Practices IG (SAP) and scholars from the AOM Organization & Management Theory Division (OMT) come together to…


"It takes a village": New study on translating management ideas through an ecology of roles

Renate Meyer, together with Kasper Trolle Elmholdt, Jeppe Agger Nielsen, and Arild Wæraas, has published a new paper in the Journal of Management Studies.

Foto des Publikums in der Galerie

ÖVO-Dialog: „Gestaltung neuer Arbeitswelten“

This item is only available in German.

WU von oben

New publication on Social Equity Budgeting

Tobias Polzer has contributed to a polyphonic debate on social equity budgeting published in Public Administration.

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ÖVO-Dialog: Gestaltung neuer Arbeitswelten

Zeit: Montag, 21. Oktober 2024, 18:00 Uhr Ort: WU Wien, Welthandelsplatz 1, 1020 Wien Gebäude LC, Galerie (auf der Campus-Karte anzeigen) Die Arbeitswelt verändert sich stetig mit den wachsenden…

Introductory slide panel

AOM Presenter Symposium | Digital Transformation and Local Governments

Tobias Polzer organized a Presenter Symposium on “Digital Transformation in and of Local Governments – Variations on a Global Theme” at the Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management 2024.