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Journal of Accounting and Public Policy

New Study: “The role of public auditing in delegated governance”

Stephan Leixnering, Markus Höllerer, Tobias Polzer and Michael Schiffinger have published a new paper in the Journal of Accounting and Public Policy.

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SAP Meets OMT – Insights, Synergies & Pathways into the Future

Join us for an insightful discussion as scholars from the Strategizing Activities and Practices IG (SAP) and scholars from the AOM Organization & Management Theory Division (OMT) come together to…


"It takes a village": New study on translating management ideas through an ecology of roles

Renate Meyer, together with Kasper Trolle Elmholdt, Jeppe Agger Nielsen, and Arild Wæraas, has published a new paper in the Journal of Management Studies.

Foto des Publikums in der Galerie

ÖVO-Dialog: „Gestaltung neuer Arbeitswelten“

This item is only available in German.

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New publication on Social Equity Budgeting

Tobias Polzer has contributed to a polyphonic debate on social equity budgeting published in Public Administration.

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ÖVO-Dialog: Gestaltung neuer Arbeitswelten

Zeit: Montag, 21. Oktober 2024, 18:00 Uhr Ort: WU Wien, Welthandelsplatz 1, 1020 Wien Gebäude LC, Galerie (auf der Campus-Karte anzeigen) Die Arbeitswelt verändert sich stetig mit den wachsenden…

Introductory slide panel

AOM Presenter Symposium | Digital Transformation and Local Governments

Tobias Polzer organized a Presenter Symposium on “Digital Transformation in and of Local Governments – Variations on a Global Theme” at the Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management 2024.

Photos of panelists

AOM Showcase Panel Symposium | Images and Imagination

Abstract From future-making to vision rhetoric, literature has introduced and reinvigorated a plethora of concepts to explain how imagined futures come about and how they become performative for…