Blick auf das D4 und das AD Gebäude

LawGov’s Birgit Hollaus presented at the ÖVAG seminar on the Aarhus Convention

23. Juni 2023

Even 25 years after its ad­op­ti­on, the Aar­hus Con­ven­ti­on still chal­len­ges the Aus­tri­an legal sys­tem.

Even 25 years after its ad­op­ti­on, the Aar­hus Con­ven­ti­on still chal­len­ges the Aus­tri­an legal sys­tem. In her pre­sen­ta­ti­on at the Aar­hus se­mi­nar on 22nd June 2023, or­ga­nis­ed by the Aus­tri­an Aca­de­my of Ad­mi­nis­tra­ti­ve Courts (Ös­ter­rei­chi­sche Aka­de­mie der Ver­wal­tungs­ge­richts­bar­keit), Law­Gov’s Bir­git Hol­laus scru­ti­nis­ed the Con­ven­ti­on’s ac­cess to justi­ce re­qui­re­ments, ana­ly­sing the cur­rent sta­tus quo based on in­ter­na­tio­nal, EU and na­tio­nal case law, and high­ligh­ting the still open ques­ti­ons.

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