Blick auf das D4 und das AD Gebäude


Birgit Hollaus during her talk

Environmental Law Days 2023 discusses the new wave of environmental protest with Teresa Weber and Birgit Hollaus

Every year, the environmental law community meets at JKU Linz for the Environmental Law Days. 2023 was no exception.

Cover of the book Multilateral Compliance Mechanisms in EU Environmental Law

Just published: LawGov’s Birgit Hollaus’ monograph on Environmental Compliance Mechanisms and EU law

With the EU having developed into an active international actor, EU policies are more and more influenced by international law obligations, processes, and institutions.

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LawGov’s Birgit Hollaus presented at the IUCN AEL Colloquium 2023

LawGov’s Birgit Hollaus participated in the 20th Annual Colloquium of the IUCN Academy of Environmental Law, held from 31 July to 4 August 2023 at the University of Eastern Finland and its Center for…

Photo of Teresa Weber, then Marc Geddes

Knowledge, science and parliaments: workshop and panel presentations

The climate crisis and the pandemic have drawn public and academic attention to the role science and knowledge play for parliamentary processes, such as law making.

Photo of the winning team at Campus WU

WU Team wins environmental law moot court

Coached by LawGov’s Birgit Hollaus, together with Claudia Wutscher, a team of WU law students participated in this year’s environmental law moot court – and won!

WU Logo als Fallback Bild für News Artikel.

LawGov’s Birgit Hollaus presented at the ÖVAG seminar on the Aarhus Convention

Even 25 years after its adoption, the Aarhus Convention still challenges the Austrian legal system.

WU Logo als Fallback Bild für News Artikel.

LawGov’s Birgit Hollaus at the 2nd Austrian Climate Law Day

How does the climate crisis relate to fundamental rights?

Photo of Professor Roger Brownsword during his lecture

Second Viennese Law Salon

The Viennese Law Salon, organized by Professor Dragana Damjanovic (TU Vienna), Professor Iris Eisenberger (University of Vienna), and Professor Verena Madner (WU) opened its doors for the second time…

Photo of Wiener Juristischer Salon

Premiere: First Viennese Law Salon

On 17 January 2023 a new event series opened its doors at WU: Der Wiener Juristische Salon.

Environtmental Defenders group photo

Conference on Environmental Defenders – Current Legal Developments and Challenges

On Friday, 20 January 2023, the Institute for Law and Governance hosted a very well attended conference on “Environmental Defenders – Current Legal Developments and Practice”.