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Bachelortheses Bachelor programme "Business and Economics"

The Institute for SME Management offers you the opportunity to write a Bachelor thesis within the Bachelor programme “Business and Economics”.


  • Successful completion of the Introductory Phase

  • Successful completion of the two courses in the area of Academic Skills

  • The thesis must be written in English

The topics for a bachelor thesis are based on the research focus of the respective staff member. The following staff members are available as supervisors or co-supervisors for a Bachelor thesis:

Dietmar RößlGregor Rabong
 Andrea Vogler

If you are interested in writing your thesis at our institute, please make sure that your proposed topic relates to a research topic of one of our supervisors mentioned above (e.g. using the entries in the FIDES system). Develop a short exposé (maximum of 3 pages) and send it to the intended supervisor.

As soon as you receive the confirmation of your supervisor, you have two semesters time to complete your thesis. A cover page must be sent with the digital thesis.


For the Bachelor Programme Business and Economics you are expected to present your thesis (style of presentation of your own choice) to a small committee that includes your supervisor. After the presentation, a “Mini-Defensio” is held, i.e. your supervisor or other committee members will pose questions related to your research topic, choice of method (e.g. appropriateness of method, limitations) etc.

The “Mini-Defensio” is the primary difference to Bachelor theses within other programmes. The additional workload is justified by the two extra ECTS credits of the Bachelor thesis within the programme “Business and Economics”.

Information on compliance with the GDPR

We would like to point out that when writing your bachelor thesis, you must comply with the general data protection regulations (GDPR).

If you have any further questions, please contact WU's data protection officer directly (available at!