Eine lächelnde, springende Studentin.

Felix Windegger

Felix Windegger studied Philosophy (BA) and Economics and Social Sciences (BSc) in Vienna and Edinburgh. He then obtained a MSc in Socio-Ecological Economics and Policy. In his master thesis, he analysed the hegemonic neoliberal interpretation of freedom and its crucial role as an ethical justification for a socially and environmentally unsustainable and unjust political-economic system—and, as such, also as a barrier to a social-ecological transformation of society. Moreover, he offered a re-conceptualisation of the notion of freedom consistent with the vision of a future degrowth society. After finishing his thesis, Felix spent seven months in various agricultural communes and eco-villages in the south of Italy, exploring alternative forms of social and economic organisation and possibilities for frugal, self-sufficient and solidary lifestyles. Currently, Felix is working at Eurac Research in Bolzano (Italy), where his primary research focus lies on processes of societal change and their analysis from an interdisciplinary perspective.

Master 2019; Supervisor: Prof. Clive L. Spash