Außenansicht des D3 Gebäudes

ICON.S Conference in Madrid

17. Juli 2024

Von 8. bis 10. Juli 2024 fand die diesjährige Annual Conference der ICON.S (International Society of Public Law) zum Generalthema “The Future of Public Law: Resilience, Sustainability, and Artificial Intelligence” in Madrid statt. Das IOER war mit zahlreichen Beiträgen an diversen Panels beteiligt:

  • Katharina Fink sprach zu “Classic Instruments of Public Law: Reflections on Licensing” am Panel “Classic Actors of Public Law and Their Instruments: Outdated or Futureproof?”

  • Sarah Geiblinger sprach zu “The Minister and the ministerial system in Austria – Current challenges and proposed solutions” am Panel “Classic Actors of Public Law and Their Instruments: Outdated or Futureproof?”

  • Sophia Lienbacher sprach zu “The Austrian courts‘ approach“ am Panel “(Un)civil disobedience in & beyond the streets – climate activists, covid protesters & ‘Reichsbürger’”

  • Laura Pavlidis sprach zu  “Reichsbürger – a special case?“ am Panel “(Un)civil disobedience in & beyond the streets – climate activists, covid protesters & ‘Reichsbürger’”

  • Ulrich Wagrandl sprach zu “Too much liberalism, not enough democracy? Countermajoritarian institutions and democratic disappointments” am Panel “Liberal democracy under pressure” und zu “Beyond the bench: The role of constitutional court clerks” am Panel “How supreme and constitutional courts can make themselves resilient against democratic backsliding”

  • Claudia Wutscher sprach zu “Democracy and EU emergency law” am Panel “Someone please call 112: principles of an emerging EU emergency law” und zu “Same same, but different: On the Relationship of Code and Law” am Panel “The Public and the Private in Times of Digitalization: An (un)useful category?”

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