Außenansicht des D2 Gebäudes


Der Inhalt dieser Seite ist aktuell nur auf Englisch verfügbar.

WU's master degree programs are usually 4 semesters long (120 ECTS credits). Master programs build upon bachelor programs, i.e. the prerequisite for admission to a master program is the successful completion of a bachelor or diploma program in a relevant discipline. Graduates of a master program are in turn entitled to pursue a doctoral or PhD program. You will find further information on the WU's master programs here.

The IMM is committed to prepare its students for the challenges of business in the 21st century. IMM stands for committed, state-of-the art research and dedicated teaching. You will get to know a determined yet caring faculty, which is supported by numerous external professors from the US, Great Britain and other countries. Furthermore, IMM has been rated a top 5 Specialization (SBWL) at the Vienna University of Economics and Business Administration in the alumni survey. The following information will give you a clear understanding of how the IMM is involved in the Master Programs

Master program

The IMM is involved in the following master degree program:

  • Marketing WU [details] starting winter term 2012/13

    Note that this master program is taught entirely in English. You will find the master-level courses taught by IMM faculty here.

What IMM has to offer

  • the opportunity to gain specific knowledge about selected international marketing management topics and different research methodologies

  • courses with a strong practical approach and cooperation with well-known companies to prepare you for your future job

  • a very competent, helpful and approachable faculty

  • lectures by guest professors from around the world

  • numerous events, for example talks and meetings with marketing managers

  • a large network of students, executives and scholars