Die Stiege zum ersten Obergeschoss des D3 Gebäudes.

Coaching Session & Paper Development Workshop

Please indicate your first and second preference on the coach/discussant together with your proposal/paper submission.

  • Coaching sessions will be parallel sessions, each session with 2-3 proposals and a coach. Proposals will be briefly presented (5 min).Then a senior researcher who has read the proposals in advance gives feedback. This feedback is followed by general discussion.

  • Paper Development Workshops will be parallel sessions with 2 papers and 1-2 discussants. Papers will be briefly presented (10 min) and the discussant(s) will give feedback followed by general discussion.

Please note:

Since there are no projectors in the rooms where the Coaching sessions and Paper Development Workshops take place, please prepare a short 1 or 2 page handout with motivation, research question, hypotheses, and in case of full paper presentations also main tables to show empirical results. The form of the handout is up to you.

After you got accepted for the conference you will get an invitation to the ERMAC-Teams-platform, where you can upload your handout and where all participants will have access to all information - if you have troubles in uploading your handout - just send it in electronic form (PDF) until one week before the conference. We will print also a few handouts – just in case…