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Speaker Series at the Department of Strategy and Innovation | Professor Markus Becker

Das IfSTO möchte Sie herzlich einladen zum Vortrag von Professor Markus BECKER (University of Southern Denmark) Thema: The Consequences of Appropriateness: An Empirical Study of Decision-Making…

Speaker Series at the Department of Strategy and Innovation | Professor Olivier Bertrand

Das IfSTO möchte Sie herzlich einladen zum Vortrag von Professor Olivier BERTRAND (SKEMA Business School) Thema: INSTITUTIONAL DETERMINANTS OF ACQUISITION STRATEGIES: EMPIRICAL EVIDENCE ON THE…

Special Issue zu “Business Models and Business Model Innovation”

IfSTO wird in Zusammenarbeit mit Univ- Prof. Dr. Thomas Ritter von der Copenhagen Business School als Editor für die Special Issue „Business Models and Business Model Innovation: Wider Implications…

The IfSTO-Team would like to invite the SIMC-Master students to the IfSTO Dialogue

This is your chance to look behind the scenes and meet the IfSTO-Team. Specifically, you are invited to: Learn more about current activities @ IfSTOExchange perspectives on topics in the area of…

Research Programm: Open Innovation
Erfahren Sie mehr zu unserem aktuellen Forschungsschwerpunkten im Bereich Open Innovation!
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