Die Decke des TC Gebäudes.

Prof. Richard Crowley Workshop

06. Mai 2024

Prof. Ri­chard Crow­ley (SMU School of Ac­coun­tancy - Sin­ga­po­re Ma­nage­ment Uni­ver­si­ty) has pre­sen­ted the paper tit­led “Al­go­rithm Ac­cess for All: In­for­ma­ti­on Pro­ces­sing De­mo­cra­tiza­ti­on via Git­Hub,” co-​authored with Ste­pha­nie Cheng, Peng­kai Lin, and Yuan Zhao (avail­able upon re­quest).

The WU Vi­en­na CSBA have also hosted an in­ter­ac­ti­ve tech­ni­cal work­shop spe­ci­fi­cal­ly sui­ted for PhD stu­dents, “ML for Text Ana­ly­tics in Ac­coun­ting Re­se­arch.” The work­shop was led by Prof. Ri­chard Crow­ley.

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