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Institute for Spatial and Social-Ecological Transformations (ISSET) - unit Essletzbichler


With effect from 1st June, 2024, the Institute for Economic Geography and GIScience merged with the Institute for Multi-Level Governance and Development into the Institute for Spatial and Social-Ecological Transformations (ISSET).

You are now on the website of the former Institute for Economic Geography and GIScience, now "unit Essletzbichler".

Please click here to get to the "unit Novy".

We are working on the new website.


Our institute recognizes that the economy is embedded in society and space. It trusts in inter-disciplinary research and addresses questions of uneven spatial development and socio-economic inequalities at multiple spatial scales. Uneven development is understood as the product of the unequal creation of competitive advantage through the spatially differentiated and constrained processes of innovation, technological and institutional advances, and the unequal distribution of resources, profits and income between and within places.


Information with respect to our research interests.

Thesis supervision

We supervise Bachelor and Master theses.


The institute contributes courses to a wide range of study programmes at WU.


You will find a list of the institute's mebers here.

The Institute is situated in the <link https: soziooekonomie>Department of Socioeconomics with whom it shares the commitment to interdisciplinary research of a socially/ecologically/spatially embedded economy, its international outlook and active engagement with socially relevant debates.

Informations <link https: en the-university campus>WU Campus and <link https: en the-university campus orientation-directions>Map