Außenansicht des D2 Gebäudes

PD Dr. Stefan Mayr, LL.M. (CEU)

PD Dr. Stefan MAYR, LL.M. (CEU)

PD Dr. Stefan MAYR, LL.M. (CEU)

Biographical Sketch

Dr Stefan Mayr is a senior scientist at the Research Institute for Urban Management and Governance and the Institute for Law and Governance at the Vienna University of Economics and Business (WU). He holds a doctorate in law from the Vienna University of Economics and Business, an LL.M. from the Central European University in Budapest and a Magister Juris degree from the Johannes Kepler University in Linz. Previous experience includes work as a research associate at the Research Institute for Urban Management and Governance at the Vienna University of Economics and Business and as a legal clerk at the Vienna District Court and the Court of Labour and Social Affairs.

Stefan’s research interests and working areas comprise international and EU trade and investment law, EU and Austrian public law and legal issues of multilevel governance. Stefan also has considerable experience in legal policy advice. He conducted research consultancies for different civil society organisations and as a consultant (STC) for the World Bank Group on issues of international trade and investment law in a development context.


Research Interests

Stefan’s research interests include the law of public services, international trade law, international investment law and investment protection, EU law, constitutional law, fundamental rights and legal theory.

In his current research, Stefan focuses inter alia on a legal analysis of approaches to solve fundamental conflicts between sovereignty, democratic legitimacy and (global) economic integration in the novel and dynamic field of EU investment law and policy.

Selected Publications and Research Projects

  • S Mayr, ‘Investment Protection in National Courts and the ECJ in Light of the Rule of Law Crisis’ [2021] Europarättslig Tidskrift, 17-35

  • Madner/Mayr, 'Die Zukunft der Investitionsschiedsgerichtsbarkeit im europäischen Mehrebenensystem' [2019] ÖJZ 207-216

  • Mayr, Rechtsfragen der Rekommunalisierung - Wirtschaftsverfassung, Binnenmarkt, Freihandel. Forschungen aus Staat und Recht 183 [2018] Wien: Verlag Österreich

  • Mayr, ‘CETA, TTIP, TiSA, and their Relationship with EU Law’ in S Griller, W Obwexer and E Vranes (eds), Mega-Regional Agreements: CETA, TTIP, TiSA. New Orientations for EU External Economic Relations [2017] Oxford: Oxford University Press, 246-278

  • Mayr, ‘Same same but different? Öffentliche Dienstleistungen und das neue Investment Court System der EU‘ [2016] juridikum 231-240  

  • Mayr, ‘”Mixed” oder “EU-only” – Sind die Investitionsschutzbestimmungen im CETA von der Außenhandelskompetenz der EU “gedeckt”?’ [2015] Europarecht 575-600

A comprehensive list of research projects in which Stefan Mayr is involved as well as a list of his publications can be found in the PURE documentation.