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Where we've been, where we're headed


The newest STaR Progress Report & Future Directions. . .

Every three years, the STaR Center produces an internal progress report and renews its target agreements with WU's rectorate. This fall, our team decided to create a publicly available brochure that provides a condensed overview of our past and current activities, while also outlining our vision for the future.

To download the brochure, click here.

 STaR & The Work Program of the WU Rectorate

  • VISIBILITY: STaR is a highly visible Competence Center at and beyond WU. We have achieved this visibility by being strategic about
    identifying our key stakeholders, building long-term relationships with them, embracing new networking opportunities, and strategically
    engaging in online promotion. Our events and Third Mission projects target international audiences. Our academic collaborations—including
    those of the STaR core team and Faculty Members—reach all four corners of the Earth.

  • EXCELLENCE: We strive for the highest standards of quality, precision, and attention to detail in all our activities, whether it be research,
    teaching and curricula development, or public outreach. We believe excellence is not about achieving outstanding results occasionally
    but rather about the discipline of maintaining high performance quality consistently over the years. For this reason, our team dedicates time
    and effort to continuous improvement through stakeholder interviews and feedback.

  • SYNERGIES: We regularly partner up with individual faculty and different academic units at WU to enhance our reach. We strive to think
    not only outside the disciplinary boxes but also “outside the campus,” seeking out and fostering partnerships with thought leaders and organizations outside of WU.

  • THIRD MISSION: Third Mission is one of the core strengths and a distinguishing feature of STaR. Our team continuously engages with
    society in ways beyond traditional research and teaching activities. We have developed specific means of sharing knowledge, expertise, and
    resources with businesses, intergovernmental agencies, nonprofit organizations, and the public. We also regularly engage with local communities in and beyond Vienna.

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