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Human-centricity in a Sustainable Digital Economy (Paper submission June 25)

On behalf of the track organizers at the upcoming 55th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences. . .

Global Seminar Series (April 12-28)

Free, online seminar series bringing together students and faculty from leading business schools from five countries. Open to Bachelor's and Master's students enrolled at WU. . .

Free online educational program WU4Juniors

STaR team is delighted to have contributed to this Third Mission initiative, which aims to empower the youth with awareness and knowledge building. . .

Sustainability Challenge - 11th year's halfway milestone reached

Participants look back on a fruitful first half of this cross-university course, presenting their service learning projects and start-up pitches. . .

When and how does cultural diversity benefit or harm teams in international business? (Jan. 26)

STaR invites you to join an upcoming Academy of International Business webinar on culturally diverse teams. . .

Global Business Ethics teaching workshop (application deadline Feb 1)

WU's International Office invites teaching staff to join this three-day virtual teaching workshop offered by Bentley University. . .

Looking for a New Year resolution? Support the climate protection statement of S4F!

Scientists4Future invites you to sign the “Statement of scientists and scholars concerning the protests for more climate protection”. . .

STaR wünscht allen schöne Feiertage, weiterhin viel Gesundheit und alles Gute!

Unser Team möchte sich ganz herzlichen bei all jenen an der WU bedanken, die uns in diesem mehr als ungewöhnlichen Jahr unterstützt haben. Wir wünschen allen einen guten Rutsch ins neue Jahr!

STaR Wishes You a Safe & Healthy Holiday Season!

Our team would like to thank everyone at WU who has supported us throughout this very unusual year, and wish everybody a guten Rutsch into 2021. . .

fem.chat - first meeting at WU

The founders of the initiative invited WU students and faculty to their first open-to-the-public online meeting. . .