Current projects
Project Title | Accompanying Research on KlimaTicket Österreich 18 |
Project description | The "KlimaTicket Österreich 18" (KTÖ-18) offers young adults aged 18 to 21 a one-time free public transport ticket. This initiative aims to promote environmentally friendly public transport use and encourage long-term customer retention. The project "Accompanying Research on KlimaTicket Österreich 18" evaluates the KTÖ-18's impact on:-Short- and long-term mobility decisions of young adults-Socioeconomic factors (e.g., mobility costs, social interactions)- Greenhouse gas emissions (saved or generated through KTÖ 18-related travel)The study includes a survey-based analysis of young adults' mobility behavior, supplemented with secondary data for socioeconomic and environmental insights. Advanced quantitative methods are used to assess KTÖ 18's causal effects. The final report will provide findings and recommendations to optimize the initiative. |
Duration | 2024-2026 |
Funder | BMK |
Consortium lead | Austrian Environmental Agency |
Project Title | City Tolls That Work (TTW) |
Project description | To succeed, one first needs to gain a solid understanding of what population groups actually benefit and lose under existing city tolls and why. We use unique real-world congestion pricing and registry data of the full Swedish population to acquire new insights on long-term distributional effects of city tolls. These will inform our project further, as we propose and gauge public support for an innovative road-pricing scheme with a cash-back component, in which collected tolls are returned directly back to drivers in the form of public transport tokens. We will then design a field experiment that measures behavioral reactions to such novel pricing instruments. | City tolls are widely recognised as an effective policy measure to fight congestion and decrease the negative environmental impacts of car traffic in cities. However, they suffer from low public acceptability, with one reason being expected adverse distributional impacts. Such public resistance makes the idea of city tolls de facto non-operational, with noticeable exceptions being Singapore, London, Stockholm and Gothenburg. This motivates our search for road tolling schemes that can really work in cities, i.e., that make cities more accessible and sustainable, while also being perceived as fair and having broad public support.
Duration | 2023-2025 |
Homepage | |
Funder | EN-UAC Innovation Action: Innovations for Managing Sustainable Urban Accessibility |
Project leader | | Associate Prof. PD Stefanie Peer Ph.D.
Project partners | Baltic International Centre for Economic Policy Studies (BICEPS), Dolphin Technologies GmbH, Swedish National Road and Transport Research Institute (VTI) |
Project Title | National Energy and Climate Plan (NEKP) for Austria – Scientific Evaluation of the Measures Proposed in the 2023 Consultation |
Project description | In the project 'National Energy and Climate Plan (NEKP) for Austria – Scientific Evaluation of the Measures Proposed in the 2023 Consultation,' coordinated by the Climate Change Centre Austria (CCCA), a team of 55 scientists was tasked with assessing the potential of the climate protection measures submitted during the public consultation on the NEKP. The goal was to scientifically analyze measures that had not yet been considered in the NEKP draft and to provide recommendations for strengthening climate policy. Stefanie Peer was part of the four-person team that evaluated the measures in the transport sector. |
Duration | 2023-2024 |
Homepage | Project description Final report |
Funder | BMK |
Project leader | CCCA |
Past projects
Project title | DENCITY: Urban density and its effect on time use and mobility in Vienna |
Project description | DENCITY aims at shedding light on whether time use and mobility behavior depend on where in Vienna one resides, and in particular whether indicators for urban density can explain differences in time use, travel demand and mode choice behavior, while also controlling for socioeconomic differences. In particular, we are interested in whether people who live in central, dense neighborhoods lead more “local lives”, generating positive externalities with respect to public health and the local economy, and avoiding negative externalities such as emissions of greenhouse gases and local pollutants, noise, road congestion, lack of public space, and accidents. |
Project duration | 10/2021-9/2022 |
Homepage | |
Funder | Jubiläumsfond der Stadt Wien für die WU Wien |
Project leader | | Associate Prof. PD Stefanie Peer Ph.D
Other projects, in which members of the Research Institute have been involved:
Next Bus?! ‐ Definitely soon! (2022-2023): Citizen's willingness to pay for a “mobility service guarantee” in Austria (together with the Institute for Transport and Logistics Management; WU project)
The Role of User-interface Design in Influencing Users’ Mobility Behaviour in Vienna (2021-2023): Towards Realization of Accountable Multi-modal Smart Mobility in Vienna: Do Smartphone Apps Influence Mode Choice Behavior among Viennese Citizens? (together with WU's Sustainable Computing Lab; funded by "Jubiläumsfond der Stadt Wien für die WU")
aPPRAISE (2019-2022): Participatory Value Evaluation: a novel assessment process for transport policies aiming at climate change mitigation (together with BOKU Vienna; funded by ACRP; website:
SimSAEV (2018-2021): Simulating the environmental and socio-economic effects of shared autonomous electric vehicles: the case of Vienna (together with IIASA and AIT; funded by ACRP; website:
TRACE: Transnational cooperation for the improvement of buildings energy performance and efficiency (contact: Gunther Maier)